Class Labels

    • Constructor Detail

      • Labels

        public Labels()
        Creates the object with an empty native object instance.
    • Method Detail

      • isConsistent

        public boolean isConsistent()
        Returns true if there is at least a key, stored in the map.
        true if there is at least a key, stored in the map
      • set

        public void set​(String nodeKey,
                        String value)
        Sets a value in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        value - the value to assign to the node.
      • set

        public void set​(Key nodeKey,
                        String value)
        Sets a value in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        value - the value to assign to the node.
      • get

        public String get​(String nodeKey)
        Returns the stored value in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        the value to assign to the node.
      • get

        public String get​(Key nodeKey)
        Returns the stored value in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        the value to assign to the node.
      • set

        public void set​(String nodeKey,
                        List<String> value)
        Sets a list of labels in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        value - list of labels to assign to the node.
      • set

        public void set​(Key nodeKey,
                        List<String> value)
        Sets a list of labels in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        value - list of labels to assign to the node.
      • getAsMultipleLines

        public List<String> getAsMultipleLines​(String nodeKey)
        Returns the labels as multiple lines, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        list of labels
      • getAsMultipleLines

        public List<String> getAsMultipleLines​(Key nodeKey)
        Returns the stored value in the map, by its key of the node.
        nodeKey - the key of sankey node
        list of labels