Package | Description |
org.pepstock.charba.client |
Main package with all charts implementation, global classes and common interfaces.
org.pepstock.charba.client.adapters |
Contains all classes to interact with date adapters implemented by CHART.JS to be abstract from date time java script library to use.
org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation |
Contains all classes to activate the
AnnotationPlugin.ID plugin (AKA chartjs-plugin-annotation.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.callbacks |
Contains the
AnnotationPlugin.ID plugin callback interfaces to catch events. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.elements |
Contains the
AnnotationPlugin.ID plugin elements interfaces to use in the callbacks and events. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the
AnnotationPlugin.ID plugin. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.listeners |
Contains all callback interfaces to implement for the
AnnotationPlugin.ID plugin. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks |
All callbacks interfaces to be implemented, also to use the scriptable options of CHART.JS.
org.pepstock.charba.client.colors |
Contains the enumerations of HTML and GWT Material colors, to consume out-of-the-box, and utilities to create and manage own colors and classes to define gradients of patterns
for charts.
org.pepstock.charba.client.colors.tiles |
Contains all classes to build tiles to use in the a canvas patterns or a Charba pattern.
org.pepstock.charba.client.commons |
Core classes to manage the inter-operations with java script code.
org.pepstock.charba.client.configuration |
Contains all elements to configure a chart instance (know as chart options at instance level).
org.pepstock.charba.client.controllers |
Contains all classes to manage the implementations of controllers.
| |
Contains all elements to configure the datasets of a chart instance (know as chart data at instance level).
org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels |
Contains all classes to activate the
DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin (AKA chartjs-plugin-datalabels.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks |
Contains the
DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin callback interfaces to configure the plugin itself. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the
DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin. | |
Contains the
DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin event handlers interfaces to catch event of plugin. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.defaults |
Contains all interfaces need to provide defaults values of the chart options.
org.pepstock.charba.client.defaults.chart |
Contains the default values of chart options based on type of chart instance.
org.pepstock.charba.client.defaults.globals |
Contains the default values of chart options for all chart types (CHART.JS options defaults).
org.pepstock.charba.client.dom |
Contains all classes needed to work with DOM tree, base classes of a DOM tree.
org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.elements |
Contains a set of DOM elements that Charba is using.
org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.enums |
Contains enumerations used inside the DOM tree to set properties or invokes methods of elements or items.
org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.safehtml |
Contains the classes to use in order to create HTML encoded strings.
org.pepstock.charba.client.enums |
Contains all enumerations of some chart options where only a specific set of values can be set.
| |
Contains all events to interact with chart instance.
org.pepstock.charba.client.geo |
Contains all classes to activate the GEO controllers (AKA
chartjs-chart-geo.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.geo.callbacks |
Contains all callbacks to configure the GEO controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.geo.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the GEO controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.gwt |
Contains the fundamental java script resources to inject in order to use Charba by GWT.
org.pepstock.charba.client.gwt.widgets |
Contains all charts classes wrapped as GWT widget in order to enable to use inside to GWT UIBinder.
org.pepstock.charba.client.impl |
Main package with the implementation out-of-the-box of callbacks, plugins and charts.
org.pepstock.charba.client.impl.callbacks |
Contains some callbacks implementations, available out-of-the box.
org.pepstock.charba.client.impl.charts |
Contains METER and GAUGE charts implementations (based on controllers), available out-of-the box.
org.pepstock.charba.client.impl.plugins |
Contains some plugins implementations, available out-of-the box.
org.pepstock.charba.client.impl.plugins.enums |
Contains the enumeration items to configure out of the box CHARBA plugins.
org.pepstock.charba.client.intl |
Contains classes in order to use the ECMAScript Internationalization API, which provides language sensitive number formatting, and date and time formatting.
org.pepstock.charba.client.intl.enums |
Contains enumerations to use in order to configure the ECMAScript Internationalization API options.
org.pepstock.charba.client.items |
Contains all elements generated by CHART.JS, which are mapping java script objects, to use at runtime in plugins, events or controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.labels |
Contains all classes to use
LabelsPlugin.ID plugin (AKA chartjs-plugin-labels.js ) available for CHART.JS. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.labels.callbacks |
Contains the
LabelsPlugin.ID plugin callback interfaces to configure the plugin itself. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.labels.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the
LabelsPlugin.ID plugin. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.matrix |
Contains all classes to activate the Matrix controller (AKA
chartjs-chart-matrix.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.matrix.callbacks |
Contains all callbacks to configure the MATRIX controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.matrix.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the MATRIX controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.options |
Contains all elements to configure charts at global level (know as chart global options).
org.pepstock.charba.client.plugins |
Contains all classes to manage the plugin implementations.
org.pepstock.charba.client.positioner |
Contains all classes to implement a custom tooltip positioner for CHART.JS.
org.pepstock.charba.client.resources |
Contains the fundamental java script resources to inject in order to use Charba.
It provides all implementations to inject embedded resources for LUXON date adapters. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.sankey |
Contains all classes to activate the Sankey controller (AKA
chartjs-chart-sankey.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.sankey.callbacks |
Contains all callbacks to configure the SANKEY controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.sankey.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the SANKEY controllers.
org.pepstock.charba.client.treemap |
Contains all classes to activate the TreeMap controller (AKA
chartjs-chart-treemap.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.treemap.callbacks |
Contains the
TreeMapChart controller callback interfaces to configure the chart itself. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.treemap.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the
TreeMapChart controller. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.utils |
Contains some utilities to use in Charba, like HTML annotation builder, and other java script utilities useful for debugging.
org.pepstock.charba.client.utils.toast |
Contains all classes to use
Toaster utility. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.utils.toast.enums |
Contains all enumerations to configure the TOAST utility.
org.pepstock.charba.client.utils.toast.handlers |
Contains all handlers to implement in order to manage events of change status of the TOAST utility.
org.pepstock.charba.client.zoom |
Contains all classes to activate the
ZoomPlugin.ID plugin (AKA chartjs-plugin-zoom.js ) for CHART.js. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.zoom.callbacks |
Contains the
ZoomPlugin.ID plugin callback interfaces to configure the plugin itself and to catch events. |
org.pepstock.charba.client.zoom.enums |
Contains the
ZoomPlugin.ID plugin enumerations to configure the plugin. |