Class ChartBackgroundColor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ChartBackgroundColor
    extends Object
    A plugin implementation to set the background color, gradient or pattern of chart.
    If added to defaults, without any configuration, the chart will have a DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR background color.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChartBackgroundColor

        public ChartBackgroundColor()
        Default constructor with DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR background color.
      • ChartBackgroundColor

        public ChartBackgroundColor​(IsColor color)
        Builds the object with the default background color for all charts.
        color - background default color for all charts.
      • ChartBackgroundColor

        public ChartBackgroundColor​(String color)
        Builds the object with the default background color for all charts.
        color - background default color for all charts.
      • ChartBackgroundColor

        public ChartBackgroundColor​(Gradient gradient)
        Builds the object with the default gradient for all charts.
        gradient - background default gradient for all charts.
      • ChartBackgroundColor

        public ChartBackgroundColor​(Pattern pattern)
        Builds the object with the default pattern for all charts.
        pattern - background default pattern for all charts.
    • Method Detail

      • getColorAsString

        public String getColorAsString()
        Returns the color as string if it has been set, otherwise null.
        the color as string if it has been set, otherwise null.
      • getColor

        public IsColor getColor()
        Returns the color if it has been set, otherwise null.
        the color if it has been set, otherwise null
      • getGradient

        public Gradient getGradient()
        Returns the gradient if it has been set, otherwise null.
        the gradient if it has been set, otherwise null
      • getPattern

        public Pattern getPattern()
        Returns the pattern if it has been set, otherwise null.
        the pattern if it has been set, otherwise null
      • loadPlugin

        public final void loadPlugin​(PluginsEnvelop<Plugin> envelop)
        Description copied from interface: PluginContainer
        Loads the plugin to the envelop in order to pass it without exposing the methods.
        Specified by:
        loadPlugin in interface PluginContainer
        envelop - envelop where the plugin instance must be stored.