Class HtmlLegendOptions

  • public final class HtmlLegendOptions
    extends AbstractPluginOptions
    Configuration options of HtmlLegend.ID plugin.
    This is mapping the configuration both default global and per chart instance.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_LEGEND_COLUMNS
        Default maximum legends columns to show.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISPLAY
        Default display if legend must be showed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final CursorType DEFAULT_CURSOR_POINTER
        Default cursor type when the cursor is over, CursorType.POINTER.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlLegendOptions

        public HtmlLegendOptions()
        Builds the object with new java script object setting the default value of plugin.
        The global plugin options is used, if exists, as defaults values.
      • HtmlLegendOptions

        public HtmlLegendOptions​(IsChart chart)
        Builds the object with a chart instance in order to get the right defaults.
        If the plugin options have not been set by chart type, it will use the global.
        chart - chart type to use to get the default values by chart
    • Method Detail

      • setDisplay

        public void setDisplay​(boolean display)
        Sets if the legend is shown.
        display - if the legend is shown.
      • isDisplay

        public boolean isDisplay()
        Returns if the legend is shown.
        true if the legend is shown.
      • getLegendItemCallback

        public HtmlLegendItemCallback getLegendItemCallback()
        Returns the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML.
        the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML
      • setLegendItemCallback

        public void setLegendItemCallback​(HtmlLegendItemCallback legendTextCallback)
        Sets the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML.
        legendTextCallback - the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML
      • getLegendTitleCallback

        public HtmlLegendTitleCallback getLegendTitleCallback()
        Returns the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend's title, as HTML.
        the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend's title, as HTML
      • setLegendTitleCallback

        public void setLegendTitleCallback​(HtmlLegendTitleCallback legendTitleCallback)
        Sets the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend's title, as HTML.
        legendTitleCallback - the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend's title, as HTML
      • setMaximumLegendColumns

        public void setMaximumLegendColumns​(int maxColumns)
        Sets the maximum amount of columns of legend.
        maxColumns - the maximum amount of columns of legend
      • getMaximumLegendColumns

        public int getMaximumLegendColumns()
        Returns the maximum amount of columns of legend.
        he maximum amount of columns of legend
      • getLegendTextCallback

        public default HtmlLegendItemCallback getLegendTextCallback()
        Returns the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML.
        the callback which can be implemented to change the text of legend for a specific item, as HTML
      • getCursorPointer

        public default CursorType getCursorPointer()
        Returns the cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item.
        cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item
      • setCursorPointer

        public final void setCursorPointer​(CursorType cursor)
        Sets the cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item.
        cursor - cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item
      • getCursorPointer

        public final CursorType getCursorPointer()
        Returns the cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item.
        cursor type when the cursor is over the dataset item