Interface HasPointStyle

    • Method Detail

      • getPointStyleHandler

        PointStyleHandler getPointStyleHandler()
        Returns a point style handler instance to use in the default methods of this interface.
        a point style handler instance
      • setPointStyle

        default void setPointStyle​(PointStyle pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point.
        pointStyle - array of the style of the point.
      • setPointStyle

        default void setPointStyle​(Img pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as image.
        pointStyle - image element of the style of the point as image.
      • getPointStyleAsImage

        default Img getPointStyleAsImage()
        Returns the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not an image, returns null.
        Specified by:
        getPointStyleAsImage in interface IsDefaultPointStyleHandler
        image of the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not a image, returns null.
      • setPointStyle

        default void setPointStyle​(Canvas pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as canvas.
        pointStyle - canvas element of the style of the point as canvas.
      • getPointStyleAsCanvas

        default Canvas getPointStyleAsCanvas()
        Returns the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not an canvas, returns null.
        Specified by:
        getPointStyleAsCanvas in interface IsDefaultPointStyleHandler
        image of the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not a canvas, returns null.