Class OptionsElement

    • Method Detail

      • getLabel

        public LabelElement getLabel()
        Returns the inner label options of the element.
        the inner label options of the element
      • getCallout

        public CalloutElement getCallout()
        Returns the callout options of the element.
        the callout options of the element
      • getArrowHeads

        public ArrowHeadsElement getArrowHeads()
        Returns the arrow heads options of the element.
        the arrow heads options of the element
      • setDisplay

        public void setDisplay​(boolean display)
        Sets true whether the annotation should be displayed.
        display - true whether the annotation should be displayed
      • isDisplay

        public boolean isDisplay()
        Returns true whether the annotation should be displayed.
        true whether the annotation should be displayed
      • isAdjustScaleRange

        public boolean isAdjustScaleRange()
        Returns true whether the scale range should be adjusted if this annotation is out of range.
        true whether the scale range should be adjusted if this annotation is out of range
      • getXScaleID

        public ScaleId getXScaleID()
        Returns the ID of the X scale to bind onto.
        the ID of the X scale to bind onto
      • getXMaxAsString

        public String getXMaxAsString()
        Returns the right edge of the annotation.
        the right edge of the annotation
      • getXMaxAsDouble

        public double getXMaxAsDouble()
        Returns the right edge of the annotation.
        the right edge of the annotation
      • getXMaxAsDate

        public Date getXMaxAsDate()
        Returns the right edge of the annotation.
        the right edge of the annotation
      • getXMinAsString

        public String getXMinAsString()
        Returns the left edge of the annotation, in units along the x axis.
        the left edge of the annotation
      • getXMinAsDouble

        public double getXMinAsDouble()
        Returns the left edge of the annotation, in units along the x axis.
        the left edge of the annotation
      • getXMinAsDate

        public Date getXMinAsDate()
        Returns the left edge of the annotation, in units along the x axis.
        the left edge of the annotation
      • getYScaleID

        public ScaleId getYScaleID()
        Returns the ID of the Y scale to bind onto.
        the ID of the Y scale to bind onto
      • getYMaxAsString

        public String getYMaxAsString()
        Returns the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis.
        the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis
      • getYMaxAsDouble

        public double getYMaxAsDouble()
        Returns the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis.
        the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis
      • getYMaxAsDate

        public Date getYMaxAsDate()
        Returns the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis.
        the top edge of the annotation in units along the y axis
      • getYMinAsString

        public String getYMinAsString()
        Returns the bottom edge of the annotation.
        the bottom edge of the annotation
      • getYMinAsDouble

        public double getYMinAsDouble()
        Returns the bottom edge of the annotation.
        the bottom edge of the annotation
      • getYMinAsDate

        public Date getYMinAsDate()
        Returns the bottom edge of the annotation.
        the bottom edge of the annotation
      • getXValueAsString

        public String getXValueAsString()
        Returns the data X value to draw the annotation at.
        the data X value to draw the annotation at
      • getXValueAsDouble

        public double getXValueAsDouble()
        Returns the data X value to draw the annotation at.
        the data X value to draw the annotation at
      • getXValueAsDate

        public Date getXValueAsDate()
        Returns the data X value to draw the annotation at.
        the data X value to draw the annotation at
      • getYValueAsString

        public String getYValueAsString()
        Returns the data Y value to draw the annotation at.
        the data Y value to draw the annotation at
      • getYValueAsDouble

        public double getYValueAsDouble()
        Returns the data Y value to draw the annotation at.
        the data Y value to draw the annotation at
      • getYValueAsDate

        public Date getYValueAsDate()
        Returns the data Y value to draw the annotation at.
        the data Y value to draw the annotation at
      • getScaleID

        public ScaleId getScaleID()
        Returns the ID of the scale to bind onto.
        the ID of the scale to bind onto
      • getValueAsString

        public String getValueAsString()
        Returns the data value to draw the line at.
        the data value to draw the line at
      • getValueAsDouble

        public double getValueAsDouble()
        Returns the data value to draw the line at.
        the data value to draw the line at
      • getValueAsDate

        public Date getValueAsDate()
        Returns the data value to draw the line at.
        the data value to draw the line at
      • getEndValueAsString

        public String getEndValueAsString()
        Returns the data value at which the line draw should end.
        the data value at which the line draw should end
      • getEndValueAsDouble

        public double getEndValueAsDouble()
        Returns the data value at which the line draw should end.
        the data value at which the line draw should end
      • getEndValueAsDate

        public Date getEndValueAsDate()
        Returns the data value at which the line draw should end.
        the data value at which the line draw should end
      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(double radius)
        Sets the radius of the annotation shape.
        If set to 0, the annotation is not rendered.
        radius - array of the radius of the point shape.
      • getRadius

        public double getRadius()
        Returns the radius of the annotation.
        the radius of the annotation.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(PointStyle pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point.
        pointStyle - array of the style of the point.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Canvas pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as canvas.
        pointStyle - canvas element of the style of the point as canvas.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Img pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as image.
        pointStyle - image element of the style of the point as image.
      • getPointStyleType

        public PointStyleType getPointStyleType()
        Returns the type of point style.
        the type of point style
      • getPointStyle

        public PointStyle getPointStyle()
        Returns the style of the point.
        the style of the point or null if point style is set as image
      • getPointStyleAsCanvas

        public Canvas getPointStyleAsCanvas()
        Returns the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not an canvas, returns null.
        canvas of the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not a canvas, returns null.
      • getPointStyleAsImage

        public Img getPointStyleAsImage()
        Returns the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not an image, returns null.
        image of the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not a image, returns null.
      • setSides

        public void setSides​(int sides)
        Sets the sides of the polygon shape.
        sides - the sides of the polygon shape
      • getSides

        public int getSides()
        Returns the sides of the polygon shape.
        the sides of the polygon shape.
      • getFont

        public final IsFont getFont()
        Returns the font element.
        the font element.
      • getPadding

        public final IsPadding getPadding()
        Returns the padding element.
        the padding element.
      • getAlignPosition

        public final AlignPositionElement getAlignPosition()
        Returns the anchor position of label on line.
        the anchor position of label on line
      • setBorderColor

        public final void setBorderColor​(IsColor borderColor)
        Sets the color of the border of annotation.
        borderColor - the color of the border of annotation
      • setBorderColor

        public final void setBorderColor​(String borderColor)
        Sets the color of the border of annotation.
        borderColor - the color of the border of annotation
      • getBorderColorAsString

        public final String getBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the border of annotation.
        the color of the border of annotation
      • getBorderColor

        public final IsColor getBorderColor()
        Returns the color of the border of annotation.
        the color of the border of annotation
      • setBorderWidth

        public final void setBorderWidth​(int borderWidth)
        Sets the width of the border in pixels.
        borderWidth - the width of the border in pixels.
      • getBorderWidth

        public final int getBorderWidth()
        Returns the width of the border in pixels.
        the width of the border in pixels.
      • setBorderDash

        public final void setBorderDash​(int... borderDash)
        Sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
        borderDash - the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
      • getBorderDash

        public final List<Integer> getBorderDash()
        Returns the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
        the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
      • setBorderDashOffset

        public final void setBorderDashOffset​(double borderDashOffset)
        Sets the line dash pattern offset.
        borderDashOffset - the line dash pattern offset.
      • getBorderDashOffset

        public final double getBorderDashOffset()
        Returns the line dash pattern offset.
        the line dash pattern offset.
      • setBorderShadowColor

        public final void setBorderShadowColor​(IsColor borderColor)
        Sets the color of the border shadow of annotation.
        borderColor - the color of the border shadow of annotation
      • setBorderShadowColor

        public final void setBorderShadowColor​(String borderShadowColor)
        Sets the color of the border shadow of annotation.
        borderShadowColor - the border shadow of the border of annotation
      • getBorderShadowColorAsString

        public final String getBorderShadowColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the border shadow of annotation.
        the color of the border shadow of annotation
      • setShadowBlur

        public final void setShadowBlur​(double shadowBlur)
        Sets the amount of blur applied to shadows.
        shadowBlur - the amount of blur applied to shadows
      • getShadowBlur

        public final double getShadowBlur()
        Returns the amount of blur applied to shadows.
        the amount of blur applied to shadows
      • setShadowOffsetX

        public final void setShadowOffsetX​(int shadowOffset)
        Sets the distance that shadows will be offset horizontally.
        shadowOffset - the distance that shadows will be offset horizontally.
      • getShadowOffsetX

        public final int getShadowOffsetX()
        Returns the distance that shadows will be offset horizontally.
        the distance that shadows will be offset horizontally.
      • setShadowOffsetY

        public final void setShadowOffsetY​(int shadowOffset)
        Sets the distance that shadows will be offset vertically.
        shadowOffset - the distance that shadows will be offset vertically.
      • getShadowOffsetY

        public final int getShadowOffsetY()
        Returns the distance that shadows will be offset vertically.
        the distance that shadows will be offset vertically.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public final void setBackgroundColor​(IsColor backgroundColor)
        Sets the color of the background of annotation.
        backgroundColor - the color of the background of annotation
      • setBackgroundColor

        public final void setBackgroundColor​(String backgroundColor)
        Sets the color of the background of annotation.
        backgroundColor - the color of the background of annotation
      • getBackgroundColorAsString

        public final String getBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the background of annotation.
        the color of the background of annotation
      • getBackgroundColor

        public final IsColor getBackgroundColor()
        Returns the color of the background of annotation.
        the color of the background of annotation
      • setBorderRadius

        public final void setBorderRadius​(int radius)
        Sets the border radius.
        radius - the border radius.
      • setBorderRadius

        public final void setBorderRadius​(BarBorderRadius borderRadius)
        Sets the border radius (in pixels).
        borderRadius - the border radius (in pixels).
      • getBorderRadius

        public final int getBorderRadius()
        Returns the border radius (in pixels).
        the border radius (in pixels).
      • getBorderRadiusAsObject

        public final BarBorderRadius getBorderRadiusAsObject()
        Returns the border radius (in pixels).
        the border radius (in pixels).
      • setBorderCapStyle

        public final void setBorderCapStyle​(CapStyle borderCapStyle)
        Sets how the end points of every line are drawn.
        borderCapStyle - how the end points of every line are drawn.
      • getBorderCapStyle

        public final CapStyle getBorderCapStyle()
        Returns how the end points of every line are drawn.
        how the end points of every line are drawn.
      • setBorderJoinStyle

        public final void setBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyle borderJoinStyle)
        Sets how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        borderJoinStyle - how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • getBorderJoinStyle

        public final JoinStyle getBorderJoinStyle()
        Returns how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • setBackgroundShadowColor

        public final void setBackgroundShadowColor​(IsColor backgroundColor)
        Sets the color of the shadow of annotation.
        backgroundColor - the color of the shadow of annotation
      • setBackgroundShadowColor

        public final void setBackgroundShadowColor​(String borderShadowColor)
        Sets the color of the shadow of annotation.
        borderShadowColor - the shadow of the border of annotation
      • getBackgroundShadowColorAsString

        public final String getBackgroundShadowColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the shadow of annotation.
        the color of the shadow of annotation
      • getBackgroundShadowColor

        public final IsColor getBackgroundShadowColor()
        Returns the color of the shadow of annotation.
        the color of the shadow of annotation
      • setColor

        public final void setColor​(String fontColor)
        Sets the color of text as string.
        fontColor - the color of text
      • setDrawTime

        public final void setDrawTime​(DrawTime drawTime)
        Sets the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn.
        drawTime - the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn
      • getDrawTime

        public final DrawTime getDrawTime()
        Returns the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn.
        the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn
      • setColor

        public final void setColor​(IsColor fontColor)
        Sets the color of text.
        fontColor - the color of text
      • getColorAsString

        public final String getColorAsString()
        Returns the color of text as string.
        the color of text
      • getColor

        public final IsColor getColor()
        Returns the color of text.
        the color of text
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(List<String> content)
        Sets the text to display in label.
        Provide a list to display values on a new line.
        content - the text to display in label as multi-line values
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(String... content)
        Sets the text to display in label.
        Provide an array to display values on a new line.
        content - the text to display in label
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(Img content)
        Sets the image to display in label.
        content - the image to display in label
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(Canvas content)
        Sets the canvas to display in label.
        content - the canvas to display in label
      • getContent

        public final List<String> getContent()
        Returns the text to display in label as list.
        the text to display in label as list
      • getContentAsImage

        public final Img getContentAsImage()
        Returns the text to display in label as Img.
        the text to display in label as Img
      • getContentAsCanvas

        public final Canvas getContentAsCanvas()
        Returns the text to display in label as Canvas.
        the text to display in label as Canvas
      • setImageHeight

        public final void setImageHeight​(int height)
        Sets the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        height - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageHeightAsPercentage

        public final void setImageHeightAsPercentage​(String heightPercentage)
        Sets the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        heightPercentage - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageHeight

        public final int getImageHeight()
        Returns the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageHeightAsPercentage

        public final String getImageHeightAsPercentage()
        Returns the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidth

        public final void setImageWidth​(int width)
        Sets the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        width - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidthAsPercentage

        public final void setImageWidthAsPercentage​(String widthPercentage)
        Sets the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        widthPercentage - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageWidth

        public final int getImageWidth()
        Returns the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageWidthAsPercentage

        public final String getImageWidthAsPercentage()
        Returns the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setRotation

        public final void setRotation​(double rotation)
        Sets the rotation of annotation in degrees.
        rotation - the rotation of annotation in degrees
      • getRotation

        public final double getRotation()
        Returns the rotation of annotation in degrees.
        the rotation of annotation in degrees
      • setTextAlign

        public final void setTextAlign​(TextAlign align)
        Sets the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        align - the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • getTextAlign

        public final TextAlign getTextAlign()
        Returns the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • setYAdjust

        public final void setYAdjust​(double yAdjust)
        Sets the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of annotation relative to above number (can be negative).
        yAdjust - the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of annotation
      • getYAdjust

        public final double getYAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of annotation relative to above number (can be negative).
        the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of annotation
      • setXAdjust

        public final void setXAdjust​(double xAdjust)
        Sets the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of annotation relative to above number (can be negative).
        xAdjust - the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of annotation
      • getXAdjust

        public final double getXAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of annotation relative to above number (can be negative).
        the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of annotation