Class StackedLineChart

    • Constructor Detail

      • StackedLineChart

        public StackedLineChart()
        Builds the object.
      • StackedLineChart

        protected StackedLineChart​(Type extendedType)
        Builds the chart.
        This is must be extended for controller which are based on this type of chart.
        extendedType - type of chart
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public StackedOptions getOptions()
        Description copied from interface: IsChart
        Returns the options of chart.
        Specified by:
        getOptions in interface IsChart
        the options of chart.
      • checkDataset

        protected boolean checkDataset​(Dataset dataset)
        Description copied from class: AbstractChart
        Returns true if the dataset can be managed by a this chart type.
        Specified by:
        checkDataset in class AbstractChart
        dataset - dataset to check
        true if the dataset can be managed by a this chart type