Interface IsDefaultOptions

    • Method Detail

      • getHover

        IsDefaultInteraction getHover()
        Returns the hover defaults.
        the hover defaults.
      • getInteraction

        IsDefaultInteraction getInteraction()
        Returns the interaction defaults.
        the interaction defaults.
      • getTitle

        IsDefaultTitle getTitle()
        Returns the title defaults.
        the title defaults.
      • getSubtitle

        IsDefaultSubtitle getSubtitle()
        Returns the title defaults.
        the title defaults.
      • getLegend

        IsDefaultLegend getLegend()
        Returns the legend defaults.
        the legend defaults.
      • getTooltips

        IsDefaultTooltips getTooltips()
        Returns the tooltips defaults.
        the tooltips defaults.
      • getDecimation

        IsDefaultDecimation getDecimation()
        Returns the decimation defaults.
        the decimation defaults.
      • getFiller

        IsDefaultFiller getFiller()
        Returns the filler defaults.
        the filler defaults.
      • getLayout

        IsDefaultLayout getLayout()
        Returns the layout defaults.
        the layout defaults.
      • getElements

        IsDefaultElements getElements()
        Returns the elements defaults.
        the elements defaults.
      • getPlugins

        IsDefaultPlugins getPlugins()
        Returns the plugins defaults.
        the plugins defaults.
      • getDatasets

        IsDefaultDatasets getDatasets()
        Returns the plugins defaults.
        the plugins defaults.
      • getFont

        IsDefaultFont getFont()
        Returns the font element.
        the font
      • getLocale

        CLocale getLocale()
        Returns the locale instance for internationalization.
        the locale instance
      • isResponsive

        boolean isResponsive()
        Returns the resizing of the chart canvas when its container does.
        the resizing of the chart canvas when its container does.
      • isMaintainAspectRatio

        boolean isMaintainAspectRatio()
        Returns the maintaining of the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing.
        the maintaining of the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing.
      • getAspectRatio

        double getAspectRatio()
        Canvas aspect ratio (i.e. width / height, a value of 1 representing a square canvas).
        Note that this option is ignored if the height is explicitly defined either as attribute or via the style.
        the aspect ratio.
      • getResizeDelay

        double getResizeDelay()
        Returns the delay the resize update by give amount of milliseconds.
        This can ease the resize process by debouncing update of the elements.
        the delay the resize update by give amount of milliseconds
      • getDevicePixelRatio

        double getDevicePixelRatio()
        The chart's canvas will use a 1:1 pixel ratio, unless the physical display has a higher pixel ratio (e.g. Retina displays). Setting devicePixelRatio to a value other than 1 will force the canvas size to be scaled by that amount. Returns the pixel ratio.
        the pixel ratio.
      • getColorAsString

        String getColorAsString()
        Returns the default color to use in the chart, on all objects, if not override by the specific configuration.
        color to use in the chart.
      • getBackgroundColorAsString

        String getBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the default background color to use in the chart, on all objects, if not override by the specific configuration.
        background color to use in the chart.
      • getBorderColorAsString

        String getBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the default border color to use in the chart, on all objects, if not override by the specific configuration.
        border color to use in the chart.
      • isShowLine

        boolean isShowLine()
        If false, the lines between points are not drawn.
        If false, the lines between points are not drawn.
      • isSkipNull

        boolean isSkipNull()
        If true, null or undefined values will not be drawn.
        If true, null or undefined values will not be drawn.
      • isSpanGaps

        boolean isSpanGaps()
        If false, Double.NaN data causes a break in the line.
        If false, Double.NaN data causes a break in the line.
      • getCutout

        double getCutout()
        Returns the portion of the chart that is cut out of the middle.
        As Double, it is considered to be pixels.
        the portion of the chart that is cut out of the middle.
        As Double, it is considered to be pixels.
      • getCutoutPercentage

        String getCutoutPercentage()
        Returns the portion of the chart that is cut out of the middle.
        As String and ending with '%', percentage of the chart radius.
        the portion of the chart that is cut out of the middle.
        As String and ending with '%', percentage of the chart radius.
      • getRadius

        double getRadius()
        Returns the outer radius of the chart.
        As Double, it is considered to be pixels.
        the outer radius of the chart.
        As Double, it is considered to be pixels.
      • getRadiusPercentage

        String getRadiusPercentage()
        Returns the outer radius of the chart.
        As String and ending with '%', percentage of the maximum radius.
        the outer radius of the chart.
        As String and ending with '%', percentage of the maximum radius.
      • getRotation

        double getRotation()
        Returns the starting angle to draw arcs from.
        starting angle to draw arcs from.
      • getCircumference

        double getCircumference()
        Returns the sweep to allow arcs to cover.
        the sweep to allow arcs to cover.
      • getIndexAxis

        IndexAxis getIndexAxis()
        Returns the base axis for the dataset, only for bar options.
        the base axis for the dataset, only for bar options
      • isDrawOnAttach

        boolean isDrawOnAttach()
        Returns true if the chart is configured to be drawn on the attach of DIV element, otherwise false.
        the drawOnAttach true if the chart is configured to be drawn on the attach of DIV element, otherwise false.
      • isDestroyOnDetach

        boolean isDestroyOnDetach()
        Returns true if the chart is configured to be destroyed on the attach of DIV element, otherwise false.
        the destroyOnDetach true if the chart is configured to be destroyed on the attach of DIV element, otherwise false.