Class Arc

    • Constructor Detail

      • Arc

        protected Arc​(Elements elements,
                      Key childKey,
                      IsDefaultArc defaultValues,
                      NativeObject nativeObject)
        Creates the object with the parent, the key of this element, default values and native object to map java script properties.
        elements - parent node to use to add this element where changed
        childKey - the property name of this element to use to add it to the parent.
        defaultValues - default provider
        nativeObject - native object to map java script properties
    • Method Detail

      • setBorderAlign

        public void setBorderAlign​(BorderAlign align)
        Sets the property to set the border alignment on chart datasets.
        align - the property to set the border alignment on chart datasets
      • getBorderAlign

        public BorderAlign getBorderAlign()
        Returns the property to set the border alignment on chart datasets.
        Specified by:
        getBorderAlign in interface IsDefaultArc
        the property to set the border alignment on chart datasets.
      • setBorderJoinStyle

        public void setBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyle borderJoinStyle)
        Sets how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        borderJoinStyle - how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • getBorderJoinStyle

        public JoinStyle getBorderJoinStyle()
        Returns how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        Specified by:
        getBorderJoinStyle in interface IsDefaultArc
        how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • setHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public void setHoverBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyle borderJoinStyle)
        Sets how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped), when hovered.
        borderJoinStyle - how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • getHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public JoinStyle getHoverBorderJoinStyle()
        Returns how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped), when hovered.
        Specified by:
        getHoverBorderJoinStyle in interface IsDefaultArc
        how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • setWeight

        public void setWeight​(double weight)
        Sets the relative thickness of the dataset.
        Providing a value for weight will cause the pie or doughnut dataset to be drawn with a thickness relative to the sum of all the dataset weight values.
        weight - the relative thickness of the dataset
      • getWeight

        public double getWeight()
        Returns the relative thickness of the dataset.
        Providing a value for weight will cause the pie or doughnut dataset to be drawn with a thickness relative to the sum of all the dataset weight values.
        Specified by:
        getWeight in interface IsDefaultArc
        the relative thickness of the dataset
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle​(double angle)
        Sets the arc angle to cover.
        angle - the arc angle to cover
      • getAngle

        public double getAngle()
        Returns the arc angle to cover.
        Specified by:
        getAngle in interface IsDefaultArc
        the arc angle to cover
      • setOffset

        public void setOffset​(int offset)
        Sets the arc offset (in pixels).
        offset - the arc offset
      • getOffset

        public int getOffset()
        Returns the arc offset (in pixels).
        Specified by:
        getOffset in interface IsDefaultArc
        the arc offset
      • setSpacing

        public void setSpacing​(int spacing)
        Sets the fixed arc offset (in pixels).
        Similar to offset but applies to all arcs.
        spacing - the fixed arc offset (in pixels)
      • getSpacing

        public int getSpacing()
        Returns the fixed arc offset (in pixels).
        Similar to offset but applies to all arcs.
        Specified by:
        getSpacing in interface IsDefaultArc
        the fixed arc offset (in pixels)
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(int borderRadius)
        Sets the arc border radius (in pixels).
        borderRadius - the arc border radius (in pixels).
      • getBorderRadius

        public int getBorderRadius()
        Returns the arc border radius (in pixels).
        Specified by:
        getBorderRadius in interface IsDefaultArc
        the arc border radius (in pixels).
      • setHoverOffset

        public void setHoverOffset​(int offset)
        Sets the arc offset (in pixels) when hovered.
        offset - the arc offset when hovered
      • getHoverOffset

        public int getHoverOffset()
        Returns the arc offset (in pixels) when hovered.
        Specified by:
        getHoverOffset in interface IsDefaultArc
        the arc offset when hovered