Class BarDataset

    • Constructor Detail

      • BarDataset

        public BarDataset()
        Creates a data set.
        It uses the global options has default.
      • BarDataset

        public BarDataset​(boolean hidden)
        Creates a data set.
        It uses the global options has default.
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
      • BarDataset

        public BarDataset​(IsDefaultOptions defaultValues)
        Creates the data set using a default.
        defaultValues - default options
      • BarDataset

        public BarDataset​(IsDefaultOptions defaultValues,
                          boolean hidden)
        Creates the data set using a default.
        defaultValues - default options
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
      • BarDataset

        protected BarDataset​(Type type,
                             boolean hidden)
        Creates the data set using chart type related to the data set.
        type - chart type related to the data set
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
      • BarDataset

        protected BarDataset​(Type type,
                             IsDefaultOptions defaultValues,
                             boolean hidden)
        Creates the data set using a default and chart type related to the data set.
        type - chart type related to the data set
        defaultValues - default options
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
    • Method Detail

      • getOrderHandler

        public final getOrderHandler()
      • getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default background color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default background color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultBorderColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultBorderColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBorderColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default border color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultBorderWidth

        protected int getDefaultBorderWidth()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border width value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBorderWidth in class Dataset
        the default border width value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default background color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default background color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default border color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBorderWidth

        protected int getDefaultHoverBorderWidth()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border width value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBorderWidth in class Dataset
        the default border width value based on type of chart.
      • setBase

        public void setBase​(double... base)
        Sets the base value for the bar in data units along the value axis.
        If not set, defaults to the value axis base value.
        base - base value for the bar in data units along the value axis.
        If not set, defaults to the value axis base value
      • getBase

        public List<Double> getBase()
        Returns the base value for the bar in data units along the value axis.
        If not set, defaults to the value axis base value.
        base value for the bar in data units along the value axis.
        If not set, defaults to the value axis base value
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Returns the label for the data set which appears in the legend and tooltips.
        getLabel in class Dataset
        the label for the data set which appears in the legend and tooltips.
      • setXAxisID

        public void setXAxisID​(String xAxisID)
        Sets the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
        xAxisID - the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
      • setXAxisID

        public void setXAxisID​(ScaleId xAxisID)
        Sets the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
        xAxisID - the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
      • getXAxisID

        public ScaleId getXAxisID()
        Returns the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
        If not specified, this defaults to the ID of DefaultScaleId.X.
        the ID of the x axis to plot this data set on.
        If not specified, this defaults to the ID of DefaultScaleId.X
      • setYAxisID

        public void setYAxisID​(String yAxisID)
        Sets the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
        yAxisID - the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
      • setYAxisID

        public void setYAxisID​(ScaleId yAxisID)
        Sets the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
        yAxisID - the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
      • getYAxisID

        public ScaleId getYAxisID()
        Returns the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
        If not specified, this defaults to the ID of DefaultScaleId.Y.
        the ID of the y axis to plot this data set on.
        If not specified, this defaults to the ID of DefaultScaleId.Y
      • setIndexAxis

        public void setIndexAxis​(IndexAxis indexAxis)
        Sets the base axis for the data set.
        Use IndexAxis.Y for horizontal bar.
        indexAxis - the base axis for the data set
      • getIndexAxis

        public IndexAxis getIndexAxis()
        Returns the base axis for the data set.
        the base axis for the data set
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(int... borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        setBorderWidth in class HoverFlexDataset
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(BarBorderWidth... borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(List<BarBorderWidth> borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
      • getBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getBorderWidth()
        Returns the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list.
        getBorderWidth in class HoverFlexDataset
        list of the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list.
      • getBorderWidthAsObjects

        public List<BarBorderWidth> getBorderWidthAsObjects()
        Returns the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback or an array have been set, returns an empty object.
        list of the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback or an array have been set, returns an empty object
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(int... borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        setHoverBorderWidth in class HoverFlexDataset
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(BarBorderWidth... borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered.
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(List<BarBorderWidth> borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered.
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered
      • getHoverBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getHoverBorderWidth()
        Returns the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        getHoverBorderWidth in class HoverFlexDataset
        list of the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderWidthAsObjects

        public List<BarBorderWidth> getHoverBorderWidthAsObjects()
        Returns the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered.
        list of the stroke width of the bar in pixels, when hovered
      • setBorderSkipped

        public void setBorderSkipped​(boolean borderskip)
        Sets the edge to skip drawing the border for.
        borderskip - to set false as border skipped.
      • setBorderSkipped

        public void setBorderSkipped​(BorderSkipped... borderskips)
        Sets the edges to skip drawing the border for.
        borderskips - array of the edges to skip drawing the border for.
      • setBorderSkipped

        public void setBorderSkipped​(List<BorderSkipped> borderskips)
        Sets the edges to skip drawing the border for.
        borderskips - list of the edges to skip drawing the border for.
      • getBorderSkipped

        public List<BorderSkipped> getBorderSkipped()
        Returns the edges to skip drawing the border for.
        the edges to skip drawing the border for.
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(int... borderRadius)
        Sets the bar border radius (in pixels).
        borderRadius - the bar border radius (in pixels).
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(BarBorderRadius... borderRadius)
        Sets the bar border radius (in pixels).
        borderRadius - the bar border radius (in pixels).
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(List<BarBorderRadius> borderRadius)
        Sets the bar border radius (in pixels).
        borderRadius - the bar border radius (in pixels).
      • getBorderRadius

        public List<Integer> getBorderRadius()
        Returns the list of bar border radius (in pixels).
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list.
        the list of bar border radius (in pixels).
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list
      • getBorderRadiusAsObjects

        public List<BarBorderRadius> getBorderRadiusAsObjects()
        Returns the list of bar border radius (in pixels).
        If a callback or an array have been set, returns an empty object.
        the list of bar border radius (in pixels).
        If a callback or an array have been set, returns an empty object
      • setHoverBorderRadius

        public void setHoverBorderRadius​(int... borderRadius)
        Sets the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
        borderRadius - the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
      • setHoverBorderRadius

        public void setHoverBorderRadius​(BarBorderRadius... borderRadius)
        Sets the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
        borderRadius - Sets the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
      • setHoverBorderRadius

        public void setHoverBorderRadius​(List<BarBorderRadius> borderRadius)
        Sets Sets the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
        borderRadius - Sets the bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderRadius

        public List<Integer> getHoverBorderRadius()
        Returns the list of bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
        the list of bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderRadiusAsObjects

        public List<BarBorderRadius> getHoverBorderRadiusAsObjects()
        Returns the list of bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
        the list of bar border radius (in pixels), when hovered.
      • getFloatingData

        public List<FloatingData> getFloatingData()
        Returns the data property of a data set for a chart is specified as an array of floating data.
        a list of floating data or an empty list if the data type is not DataType.ARRAYS.
      • getFloatingData

        public List<FloatingData> getFloatingData​(boolean binding)
        Returns the data property of a data set for a chart is specified as an array of floating data.
        binding - if true binds the new array list in the container
        a list of floating data or an empty list if the data type is not DataType.ARRAYS.
      • setFloatingData

        public void setFloatingData​(double[][] floatingData)
        Sets the data property of a data set for a chart is specified as an array of arrays of doubles.
        floatingData - an array of arrays of doubles.
      • setFloatingData

        public void setFloatingData​(FloatingData... floatingData)
        Sets the data property of a data set for a chart is specified as an array of floating data.
        floatingData - an array of floating data
      • setFloatingData

        public void setFloatingData​(List<FloatingData> floatingData)
        Sets the data property of a data set for a chart is specified as an array of floating data.
        floatingData - an array of floating data
      • getPointStyleType

        public PointStyleType getPointStyleType()
        Returns the type of point style.
        the type of point style
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(PointStyle pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point for legend.
        pointStyle - the style of the point for legend.
      • getPointStyle

        public PointStyle getPointStyle()
        Returns the style of the point for legend.
        the style of the point for legend.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Img pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point for legend as image.
        pointStyle - the style of the point for legend as image.
      • getPointStyleAsImage

        public Img getPointStyleAsImage()
        Returns the style of the point for legend as image.
        the style of the point for legend as image.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Canvas pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point for legend as canvas.
        pointStyle - the style of the point for legend as canvas.
      • getPointStyleAsCanvas

        public Canvas getPointStyleAsCanvas()
        Returns the style of the point for legend as canvas.
        the style of the point for legend as canvas.
      • setEnableBorderRadius

        public void setEnableBorderRadius​(boolean enableBorderRadius)
        If true, it only shows the borderRadius of a bar when the bar is at the end of the stack.
        enableBorderRadius - if true, it only shows the borderRadius of a bar when the bar is at the end of the stack
      • isEnableBorderRadius

        public boolean isEnableBorderRadius()
        If true, it only shows the borderRadius of a bar when the bar is at the end of the stack.
        if true, it only shows the borderRadius of a bar when the bar is at the end of the stack
      • setAutoInflateAmount

        public void setAutoInflateAmount​(boolean autoInflateAmount)
        Sets true if the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing, is automatically calculated.
        autoInflateAmount - true if the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing, is automatically calculated
      • isAutoInflateAmount

        public boolean isAutoInflateAmount()
        Returns true if the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing, is automatically calculated.
        true if the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing, is automatically calculated
      • setInflateAmount

        public void setInflateAmount​(int... inflateAmount)
        Sets the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing.
        inflateAmount - the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing
      • getInflateAmount

        public List<Integer> getInflateAmount()
        Returns the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing.
        the amount of pixels to inflate the bar rectangles, when drawing
      • getBorderWidthCallback

        public BarBorderWidthCallback getBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(BarBorderWidthCallback borderWidthCallback)
        Sets the border width callback.
        borderWidthCallback - the border width callback to set
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(NativeCallback borderWidthCallback)
        Sets the border width callback.
        borderWidthCallback - the border width callback to set
      • getHoverBorderWidthCallback

        public BarBorderWidthCallback getHoverBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(BarBorderWidthCallback hoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the hover border width callback.
        hoverBorderWidthCallback - the hover border width callback to set
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(NativeCallback hoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the hover border width callback.
        hoverBorderWidthCallback - the hover border width callback to set
      • getBorderSkippedCallback

        public BorderSkippedCallback getBorderSkippedCallback()
        Returns the border skipped callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border skipped callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderSkipped

        public void setBorderSkipped​(BorderSkippedCallback borderSkippedCallback)
        Sets the border skipped callback.
        borderSkippedCallback - the border skipped callback to set
      • setBorderSkipped

        public void setBorderSkipped​(NativeCallback borderSkippedCallback)
        Sets the border skipped callback.
        borderSkippedCallback - the border skipped callback to set
      • getBorderRadiusCallback

        public BorderRadiusCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderRadiusCallback()
        Returns the border radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(BorderRadiusCallback<DatasetContext> borderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the border radius callback.
        borderRadiusCallback - the border radius callback to set
      • setBorderRadius

        public void setBorderRadius​(NativeCallback borderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the border radius callback.
        borderRadiusCallback - the border radius callback to set
      • getHoverBorderRadiusCallback

        public BorderRadiusCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderRadiusCallback()
        Returns the border radius callback, if set, otherwise null, when hovered.
        the border radius callback, if set, otherwise null, when hovered.
      • setHoverBorderRadius

        public void setHoverBorderRadius​(BorderRadiusCallback<DatasetContext> hoverBorderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the border radius callback, when hovered.
        hoverBorderRadiusCallback - the border radius callback to set
      • setHoverBorderRadius

        public void setHoverBorderRadius​(NativeCallback hoverBorderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the border radius callback, when hovered.
        hoverBorderRadiusCallback - the border radius callback to set
      • getPointStyleCallback

        public PointStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getPointStyleCallback()
        Returns the point style callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point style callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(PointStyleCallback<DatasetContext> pointStyleCallback)
        Sets the point style callback.
        pointStyleCallback - the point style callback.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(NativeCallback pointStyleCallback)
        Sets the point style callback.
        pointStyleCallback - the point style callback.
      • getBaseCallback

        public BaseCallback getBaseCallback()
        Returns the base callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the base callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBase

        public void setBase​(BaseCallback baseCallback)
        Sets the base callback.
        baseCallback - the base callback.
      • setBase

        public void setBase​(NativeCallback baseCallback)
        Sets the base callback.
        baseCallback - the base callback.
      • getEnableBorderRadiusCallback

        public EnableBorderRadiusCallback getEnableBorderRadiusCallback()
        Returns the enable border radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the enable border radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setEnableBorderRadius

        public void setEnableBorderRadius​(EnableBorderRadiusCallback enableBorderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the enable border radius callback.
        enableBorderRadiusCallback - the enable border radius callback.
      • setEnableBorderRadius

        public void setEnableBorderRadius​(NativeCallback enableBorderRadiusCallback)
        Sets the enable border radius callback.
        enableBorderRadiusCallback - the enable border radius callback.
      • getInflateAmountCallback

        public InflateAmountCallback getInflateAmountCallback()
        Returns the inflate amount callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the inflate amount callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setInflateAmount

        public void setInflateAmount​(InflateAmountCallback inflateAmountCallback)
        Sets the inflate amount callback.
        inflateAmountCallback - the inflate amount callback.
      • setInflateAmount

        public void setInflateAmount​(NativeCallback inflateAmountCallback)
        Sets the inflate amount callback.
        inflateAmountCallback - the inflate amount callback.
      • setOrder

        public default void setOrder​(int order)
        Sets the drawing order of dataset.
        Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend.
        order - the drawing order of dataset.
      • getOrder

        public default int getOrder()
        Returns the drawing order of dataset.
        Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend.
        the drawing order of dataset