Class CartesianTimeTick

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CartesianTimeTick
    extends Object
    The time scale is use to chart time data.
    It can be placed on either the x or y axis.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • setSource

        public void setSource​(TickSource source)
        Sets the property controls the ticks generation.
        source - property controls the ticks generation.
      • getSource

        public TickSource getSource()
        Returns the property controls the ticks generation.
        property controls the ticks generation.
      • getCallback

        public TimeTickCallback getCallback()
        Returns the user callback instance.
        the callback
      • setCallback

        public void setCallback​(TimeTickCallback callback)
        Sets the user callback instance.
        callback - the callback to set
      • setAutoSkip

        public void setAutoSkip​(boolean autoSkip)
        If true, automatically calculates how many labels that can be shown and hides labels accordingly. Turn it off to show all labels no matter what
        autoSkip - If true, automatically calculates how many labels that can be shown and hides labels accordingly. Turn it off to show all labels no matter what
      • isAutoSkip

        public boolean isAutoSkip()
        If true, automatically calculates how many labels that can be shown and hides labels accordingly. Turn it off to show all labels no matter what
        If true, automatically calculates how many labels that can be shown and hides labels accordingly. Turn it off to show all labels no matter what.
      • setAutoSkipPadding

        public void setAutoSkipPadding​(int autoSkipPadding)
        Sets the padding between the ticks on the horizontal axis when autoSkip is enabled. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        autoSkipPadding - padding between the ticks on the horizontal axis when autoSkip is enabled. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • getAutoSkipPadding

        public int getAutoSkipPadding()
        Returns the padding between the ticks on the horizontal axis when autoSkip is enabled. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        padding between the ticks on the horizontal axis when autoSkip is enabled. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • setIncludeBounds

        public void setIncludeBounds​(boolean includeBounds)
        If true, the defined min and maximum values should be presented as ticks even if they are not "nice"
        includeBounds - if true, the defined min and maximum values should be presented as ticks even if they are not "nice"
      • isIncludeBounds

        public boolean isIncludeBounds()
        If true, the defined minimum and maximum values should be presented as ticks even if they are not "nice".
        if true, the defined min and maximum values should be presented as ticks even if they are not "nice"
      • setLabelOffset

        public void setLabelOffset​(int labelOffset)
        Sets the distance in pixels to offset the label from the center point of the tick (in the y direction for the x axis, and the x direction for the y axis).
        Note: this can cause labels at the edges to be cropped by the edge of the canvas.
        labelOffset - the distance in pixels to offset the label from the center point of the tick (in the y direction for the x axis, and the x direction for the y axis)
      • getLabelOffset

        public int getLabelOffset()
        Returns the distance in pixels to offset the label from the center point of the tick (in the y direction for the x axis, and the x direction for the y axis).
        Note: this can cause labels at the edges to be cropped by the edge of the canvas.
        the distance in pixels to offset the label from the center point of the tick (in the y direction for the x axis, and the x direction for the y axis).
      • setMaxRotation

        public void setMaxRotation​(int maxRotation)
        Sets the maximum rotation for tick labels when rotating to condense labels. Note: Rotation doesn't occur until necessary. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        maxRotation - maximum rotation for tick labels when rotating to condense labels. Note: Rotation doesn't occur until necessary. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • getMaxRotation

        public int getMaxRotation()
        Returns the maximum rotation for tick labels when rotating to condense labels. Note: Rotation doesn't occur until necessary. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        maximum rotation for tick labels when rotating to condense labels. Note: Rotation doesn't occur until necessary. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • setMinRotation

        public void setMinRotation​(int minRotation)
        Sets the minimum rotation for tick labels. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        minRotation - minimum rotation for tick labels. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • getMinRotation

        public int getMinRotation()
        Returns the minimum rotation for tick labels. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
        minimum rotation for tick labels. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
      • setMirror

        public void setMirror​(boolean mirror)
        Sets the flips tick labels around axis, displaying the labels inside the chart instead of outside. Note: Only applicable to vertical scales.
        mirror - flips tick labels around axis, displaying the labels inside the chart instead of outside. Note: Only applicable to vertical scales.
      • isMirror

        public boolean isMirror()
        Returns the flips tick labels around axis, displaying the labels inside the chart instead of outside. Note: Only applicable to vertical scales.
        flips tick labels around axis, displaying the labels inside the chart instead of outside. Note: Only applicable to vertical scales.
      • setSampleSize

        public void setSampleSize​(int sampleSize)
        Sets the number of ticks to examine when deciding how many labels will fit.
        Setting a smaller value will be faster, but may be less accurate when there is large variability in label length.
        sampleSize - the number of ticks to examine when deciding how many labels will fit.
      • getSampleSize

        public int getSampleSize()
        Returns the number of ticks to examine when deciding how many labels will fit.
        Setting a smaller value will be faster, but may be less accurate when there is large variability in label length.
        the number of ticks to examine when deciding how many labels will fit.
      • setAlign

        public void setAlign​(TickAlign align)
        Sets the tick alignment along the axis.
        align - the tick alignment along the axis
      • getAlign

        public TickAlign getAlign()
        Returns the tick alignment along the axis.
        the tick alignment along the axis
      • setCrossAlign

        public void setCrossAlign​(CrossAlign crossAlign)
        Sets the tick alignment perpendicular to the axis.
        crossAlign - the tick alignment perpendicular to the axis
      • getCrossAlign

        public CrossAlign getCrossAlign()
        Returns the tick alignment perpendicular to the axis.
        the tick alignment perpendicular to the axis
      • getMajor

        public Major getMajor()
        Returns major tick element.
        the major
      • getFont

        public Font getFont()
        Returns the font element.
        the font element
      • getBackdropPadding

        public Padding getBackdropPadding()
        Returns the padding of label backdrop.
        padding of label backdrop.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(IsColor color)
        Sets the font color.
        color - font color.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(String color)
        Sets the font color.
        color - font color.
      • getColorAsString

        public String getColorAsString()
        Returns the font color as string.
        font color as string
      • getColor

        public IsColor getColor()
        Returns the font color.
        font color
      • setDisplay

        public void setDisplay​(boolean display)
        If true, show tick marks.
        display - if true, show tick marks
      • isDisplay

        public boolean isDisplay()
        If true, show tick marks
        if true, show tick marks.
      • setZ

        public void setZ​(int z)
        Sets z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area.
        Values less than or equals to 0 are drawn under datasets, greater than 0 on top.
        z - z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area.
        Values less than or equals to 0 are drawn under datasets, greater than 0 on top.
      • getZ

        public int getZ()
        Returns z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area.
        Values less than or equals to 0 are drawn under datasets, greater than 0 on top.
        z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area.
        Values less than or equals to 0 are drawn under datasets, greater than 0 on top.
      • setTextStrokeColor

        public void setTextStrokeColor​(IsColor color)
        Sets the text stroke color.
        color - the text stroke color
      • setTextStrokeColor

        public void setTextStrokeColor​(String color)
        Sets the text stroke color.
        color - the text stroke color.
      • getTextStrokeColorAsString

        public String getTextStrokeColorAsString()
        Returns the text stroke color as string.
        the text stroke color as string.
      • getTextStrokeColor

        public IsColor getTextStrokeColor()
        Returns the text stroke color.
        the text stroke color.
      • setTextStrokeWidth

        public void setTextStrokeWidth​(int textStrokeWidth)
        Sets the text stroke width.
        textStrokeWidth - the text stroke width.
      • getTextStrokeWidth

        public int getTextStrokeWidth()
        Returns the text stroke width.
        the text stroke width.
      • setPadding

        public void setPadding​(int padding)
        Sets the padding between the tick label and the axis. When set on a vertical axis, this applies in the horizontal (X) direction. When set on a horizontal axis, this applies in the vertical (Y) direction.
        padding - padding between the tick label and the axis. When set on a vertical axis, this applies in the horizontal (X) direction. When set on a horizontal axis, this applies in the vertical (Y) direction.
      • getPadding

        public int getPadding()
        Returns the padding between the tick label and the axis. When set on a vertical axis, this applies in the horizontal (X) direction. When set on a horizontal axis, this applies in the vertical (Y) direction.
        padding between the tick label and the axis. When set on a vertical axis, this applies in the horizontal (X) direction. When set on a horizontal axis, this applies in the vertical (Y) direction.
      • setBackdropColor

        public void setBackdropColor​(IsColor backdropColor)
        Sets the color of label backdrops.
        backdropColor - color of label backdrops.
      • setBackdropColor

        public void setBackdropColor​(String backdropColor)
        Sets the color of label backdrops.
        backdropColor - color of label backdrops.
      • getBackdropColorAsString

        public String getBackdropColorAsString()
        Returns the color of label backdrops.
        color of label backdrops.
      • getBackdropColor

        public IsColor getBackdropColor()
        Returns the color of label backdrops.
        color of label backdrops.
      • setShowLabelBackdrop

        public void setShowLabelBackdrop​(boolean showLabelBackdrop)
        If true, draw a background behind the tick labels.
        showLabelBackdrop - if true, draw a background behind the tick labels.
      • isShowLabelBackdrop

        public boolean isShowLabelBackdrop()
        If true, draw a background behind the tick labels.
        if true, draw a background behind the tick labels.
      • getColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<ScaleContext> getColorCallback()
        Returns the color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • getTextStrokeColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<ScaleContext> getTextStrokeColorCallback()
        Returns the text stroke color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the text stroke color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • getTextStrokeWidthCallback

        public WidthCallback<ScaleContext> getTextStrokeWidthCallback()
        Returns the text stroke width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the text stroke width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • getBackdropColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<ScaleContext> getBackdropColorCallback()
        Returns the backdrop color callback instance.
        the backdrop color callback instance
      • getShowLabelBackdropCallback

        public ShowLabelBackdropCallback getShowLabelBackdropCallback()
        Returns the show label backdrop callback instance.
        the show label backdrop callback instance
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(ColorCallback<ScaleContext> colorCallback)
        Sets the color callback.
        colorCallback - the color callback to set
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(NativeCallback colorCallback)
        Sets the color callback.
        colorCallback - the color callback to set
      • setTextStrokeColor

        public void setTextStrokeColor​(ColorCallback<ScaleContext> textStrokeColorCallback)
        Sets the text stroke color callback.
        textStrokeColorCallback - the text stroke color callback to set
      • setTextStrokeColor

        public void setTextStrokeColor​(NativeCallback textStrokeColorCallback)
        Sets the text stroke color callback.
        textStrokeColorCallback - the text stroke color callback to set
      • setTextStrokeWidth

        public void setTextStrokeWidth​(WidthCallback<ScaleContext> textStrokeWidthCallback)
        Sets the text stroke width callback.
        textStrokeWidthCallback - the text stroke width callback to set
      • setTextStrokeWidth

        public void setTextStrokeWidth​(NativeCallback textStrokeWidthCallback)
        Sets the text stroke width callback.
        textStrokeWidthCallback - the text stroke width callback to set
      • setBackdropColor

        public void setBackdropColor​(ColorCallback<ScaleContext> backdropColorCallback)
        Sets the backdrop color callback instance.
        backdropColorCallback - the backdrop color callback instance
      • setBackdropColor

        public void setBackdropColor​(NativeCallback backdropColorCallback)
        Sets the backdrop color callback instance.
        backdropColorCallback - the backdrop color callback instance
      • setShowLabelBackdrop

        public void setShowLabelBackdrop​(ShowLabelBackdropCallback showLabelBackdropCallback)
        Sets the show label backdrop callback instance.
        showLabelBackdropCallback - the show label backdrop callback instance
      • setShowLabelBackdrop

        public void setShowLabelBackdrop​(NativeCallback showLabelBackdropCallback)
        Sets the show label backdrop callback instance.
        showLabelBackdropCallback - the show label backdrop callback instance
      • getAxis

        public final Axis getAxis()
        Returns the axis instance.
        the axis