Class DateAdapter

  • public final class DateAdapter
    extends Object
    Maps a date adapter provided by CHART.JS to manage time series.
    It provides a set of methods to manage, parse and format dates and times.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a date adapter without any options.
      DateAdapter​(DateAdapterOptions options)
      Creates a date adapter using the options passed as argument.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Date add​(long time, long amount, TimeUnit unit)
      Adds the specified amount of unit to the given timestamp.
      Date add​(Date time, long amount, TimeUnit unit)
      Adds the specified amount of unit to the given date.
      double diff​(long maxTime, long minTime, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the number of unit between the given timestamps.
      double diff​(Date maxTime, Date minTime, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the number of unit between the given dates.
      Date endOf​(long time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns end of unit for the given timestamp.
      Date endOf​(Date time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns end of unit for the given date.
      String format​(long time, String format)
      Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given timestamp.
      String format​(long time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given timestamp, using the default format related to time unit.
      String format​(Date time, String format)
      Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given date.
      String format​(Date time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given date, using the default format related to time unit.
      Date getDateByOrdinal​(int year, int ordinal)
      Returns a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight, at the beginning of the day specified by the ordinal day of a year, passed as arguments.
      Date getDateByWeek​(int year, int week)
      Returns a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight, at the beginning of the day specified by the week of the year, passed as arguments.
      double getEpochByOrdinal​(int year, int ordinal)
      Returns the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, for a specific ordinal day of a year.
      double getEpochByWeek​(int year, int week)
      Returns the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, for a specific week of a year.
      DateAdapterFormats getFormats()
      Returns the provided default formats.
      DateAdapterOptions getOptions()
      Returns the options used to configure the date adapter.
      Date parse​(String time, String format)
      Parses the given value and return the associated date.
      Date startOf​(long time, IsoWeekDay weekday)
      Returns the start by weekday for the given timestamp.
      Date startOf​(long time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the start of unit for the given timestamp.
      Date startOf​(Date time, IsoWeekDay weekday)
      Returns the start by weekday for the given date.
      Date startOf​(Date time, TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the start of unit for the given date.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DateAdapter

        public DateAdapter()
        Creates a date adapter without any options.
      • DateAdapter

        public DateAdapter​(DateAdapterOptions options)
        Creates a date adapter using the options passed as argument.
        options - date adapter options
    • Method Detail

      • getFormats

        public DateAdapterFormats getFormats()
        Returns the provided default formats.
        the provided default formats
      • getOptions

        public DateAdapterOptions getOptions()
        Returns the options used to configure the date adapter.
        the options used to configure the date adapter
      • parse

        public Date parse​(String time,
                          String format)
        Parses the given value and return the associated date.
        time - the value to parse (usually comes from the data)
        format - the expected data format
        number date representation or null
      • format

        public String format​(long time,
                             String format)
        Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given timestamp.
        time - the timestamp to format
        format - the date/time token
        a date time string representation
      • format

        public String format​(long time,
                             TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given timestamp, using the default format related to time unit.
        time - the timestamp to format
        unit - the time unit to use
        a date time string representation
      • format

        public String format​(Date time,
                             String format)
        Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given date.
        time - the date to format
        format - the date/time token
        a date time string representation
      • format

        public String format​(Date time,
                             TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the formatted date in the specified format for a given date, using the default format related to time unit.
        time - the date to format
        unit - the time unit instance
        a date time string representation
      • add

        public Date add​(long time,
                        long amount,
                        TimeUnit unit)
        Adds the specified amount of unit to the given timestamp.
        time - the input timestamp
        amount - the amount to add
        unit - the time unit instance
        new date with added units
      • add

        public Date add​(Date time,
                        long amount,
                        TimeUnit unit)
        Adds the specified amount of unit to the given date.
        time - the input date
        amount - the amount to add
        unit - the time unit instance
        new date with added units
      • diff

        public double diff​(long maxTime,
                           long minTime,
                           TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the number of unit between the given timestamps.
        maxTime - the input timestamp (reference)
        minTime - the timestamp to subtract
        unit - the time unit instance
        the number of unit between the given timestamps
      • diff

        public double diff​(Date maxTime,
                           Date minTime,
                           TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the number of unit between the given dates.
        maxTime - the input date (reference)
        minTime - the date to subtract
        unit - the time unit instance
        the number of unit between the given dates
      • startOf

        public Date startOf​(long time,
                            TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the start of unit for the given timestamp.
        time - the input timestamp
        unit - the time unit instance
        the start of unit for the given timestamp
      • startOf

        public Date startOf​(Date time,
                            TimeUnit unit)
        Returns the start of unit for the given date.
        time - the input date
        unit - the time unit instance
        the start of unit for the given date
      • startOf

        public Date startOf​(long time,
                            IsoWeekDay weekday)
        Returns the start by weekday for the given timestamp.
        time - the input timestamp
        weekday - the ISO day of the week (only needed if parameter "unit" is isoWeek).
        the start by weekday for the given date
      • startOf

        public Date startOf​(Date time,
                            IsoWeekDay weekday)
        Returns the start by weekday for the given date.
        time - the input date
        weekday - the ISO day of the week (only needed if parameter "unit" is isoWeek).
        the start by weekday for the given date
      • endOf

        public Date endOf​(long time,
                          TimeUnit unit)
        Returns end of unit for the given timestamp.
        time - the input timestamp
        unit - the time unit instance
        the end of unit for the given timestamp
      • endOf

        public Date endOf​(Date time,
                          TimeUnit unit)
        Returns end of unit for the given date.
        time - the input date
        unit - the time unit instance
        the end of unit for the given date
      • getEpochByWeek

        public double getEpochByWeek​(int year,
                                     int week)
        Returns the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, for a specific week of a year.
        year - the year
        week - the week of year
        the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
      • getDateByWeek

        public Date getDateByWeek​(int year,
                                  int week)
        Returns a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight, at the beginning of the day specified by the week of the year, passed as arguments.
        year - the year
        week - the week of year
        a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight
      • getEpochByOrdinal

        public double getEpochByOrdinal​(int year,
                                        int ordinal)
        Returns the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, for a specific ordinal day of a year.
        year - the year
        ordinal - the ordinal day of year
        the number of milliseconds, since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
      • getDateByOrdinal

        public Date getDateByOrdinal​(int year,
                                     int ordinal)
        Returns a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight, at the beginning of the day specified by the ordinal day of a year, passed as arguments.
        year - the year
        ordinal - the ordinal day of year
        a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight