Class CartesianTimeAxis

    • Constructor Detail

      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance. Axis type is X by default.
        chart - chart instance
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                 String id)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance. Axis type is X by default.
        chart - chart instance
        id - axis id
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                 ScaleId id)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance. Axis type is X by default.
        chart - chart instance
        id - axis id
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                 AxisKind kind)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance and axis type.
        chart - chart instance
        kind - axis kind
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                 String id,
                                 AxisKind kind)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance and axis type.
        chart - chart instance
        id - axis id
        kind - axis kind
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        public CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                 ScaleId id,
                                 AxisKind kind)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance and axis type.
        chart - chart instance
        id - axis id
        kind - axis kind
      • CartesianTimeAxis

        protected CartesianTimeAxis​(IsChart chart,
                                    ScaleId id,
                                    AxisType type,
                                    AxisKind kind)
        Builds the object storing the chart instance and cartesian axis type.
        chart - chart instance
        id - axis id
        type - axis type
        kind - axis kind
    • Method Detail

      • getMinMaxCallbacksHandler

        public org.pepstock.charba.client.configuration.MinMaxCallbacksHandler<Date> getMinMaxCallbacksHandler()
      • getTime

        public Time getTime()
        Returns the time element.
        the time
      • getAdapters

        public Adapters getAdapters()
        Returns the adapters element.
        the adapters
      • setMax

        public void setMax​(Date max)
        If defined, this will override the data maximum.
        max - If defined, this will override the data maximum.
      • getMax

        public Date getMax()
        If defined, this will override the data maximum.
        If defined, this will override the data maximum.
      • setMin

        public void setMin​(Date min)
        If defined, this will override the data minimum.
        min - If defined, this will override the data minimum.
      • getMin

        public Date getMin()
        If defined, this will override the data minimum.
        If defined, this will override the data minimum.
      • setOffsetAfterAutoskip

        public void setOffsetAfterAutoskip​(boolean offsetAfterAutoskip)
        If true, bar chart offsets are computed with auto skipped ticks..
        offsetAfterAutoskip - if true, bar chart offsets are computed with auto skipped ticks..
      • isOffsetAfterAutoskip

        public boolean isOffsetAfterAutoskip()
        If true, bar chart offsets are computed with auto skipped ticks..
        if true, bar chart offsets are computed with auto skipped ticks..
      • getMinCallback

        public default MinMaxCallback<T> getMinCallback()
        Returns the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
        the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
      • setMin

        public default void setMin​(MinMaxCallback<T> minCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
        minCallback - the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
      • setMin

        public default void setMin​(NativeCallback minCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
        minCallback - the callback to set the user defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data.
      • setMax

        public default void setMax​(MinMaxCallback<T> maxCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
        maxCallback - the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
      • setMax

        public default void setMax​(NativeCallback maxCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
        maxCallback - the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
      • getMaxCallback

        public default MinMaxCallback<T> getMaxCallback()
        Returns the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
        the callback to set the user defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data.
      • getSuggestedMinCallback

        public default MinMaxCallback<T> getSuggestedMinCallback()
        Returns the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
        the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
      • setSuggestedMin

        public default void setSuggestedMin​(MinMaxCallback<T> suggestedMinCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
        suggestedMinCallback - the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
      • setSuggestedMin

        public default void setSuggestedMin​(NativeCallback suggestedMinCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
        suggestedMinCallback - the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the minimum data value.
      • getSuggestedMaxCallback

        public default MinMaxCallback<T> getSuggestedMaxCallback()
        Returns the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
        the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
      • setSuggestedMax

        public default void setSuggestedMax​(MinMaxCallback<T> suggestedMaxCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
        suggestedMaxCallback - the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
      • setSuggestedMax

        public default void setSuggestedMax​(NativeCallback suggestedMaxCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
        suggestedMaxCallback - the callback to set the adjustment used when calculating the maximum data value.
      • setConfiguration

        protected final void setConfiguration​(T configuration)
        configuration - the configuration to set
      • getConfiguration

        protected final T getConfiguration()
        Returns the configuration element.
        the configuration element.
      • merge

        public final void merge​(NativeObjectContainer source,
                                String property)
        Merge a native object in the this one with a specific property name.
        This is used by plugins implementation (native java script ones) when they are not using the standard way to add plugin configuration in the options of chart.
        source - native object container to add
        property - property name
      • toJSON

        public final String toJSON()
        Returns the JSON representation of the object.
        the JSON representation of the object.
      • loadNativeObject

        public final ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> loadNativeObject​(ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> envelop)
        Returns the native object instance inside an envelop.
        It can be called only from org.pepstock.charba.client package.
        envelop - envelop instance which will contain the native object
        the envelop, passed as argument, loaded with the native object
      • getChart

        public final IsChart getChart()
        Returns the chart instance
        the chart