Class AnnotationPlugin

  • public final class AnnotationPlugin
    extends AbstractExtensionPlugin<AnnotationOptions>
    Entry point of ANNOTATION plugin to enable the plugin.
    The ANNOTATION plugin draws lines and boxes on the chart area.
    The ANNOTATION plugin plugin works with line, bar, scatter and bubble charts that use linear, logarithmic, time, or category scales.
    The ANNOTATION plugin plugin will not work on any chart that does not have exactly two axes, including pie, radar, and polar area charts.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • enable

        public static void enable()
        Inject the plugin but disables in the all charts waiting for the specific statement for each chart.
      • enable

        public static void enable​(boolean enableToAllCharts)
        Inject the plugin and by the argument decides to enable the plugin to all charts or not.
        enableToAllCharts - by true the plugin will be enabled to all charts, otherwise false.