Interface TooltipFooterCallback

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TooltipFooterCallback
    The tooltip label configuration is nested below the tooltip configuration using the callbacks key.
    The tooltip has the following callbacks for providing text.
    All functions must return either a string or an array of strings. Arrays of strings are treated as multiple lines of text.
    This interface takes care about labels to apply to the footer.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • onBeforeFooter

        default List<String> onBeforeFooter​(IsChart chart,
                                            List<TooltipItem> items)
        Returns text to render before the footer section.
        If returns null or empty list, it will be ignored.
        chart - chart instance
        items - list of all tooltip items
        a list of labels to apply to the title.
      • onFooter

        default List<String> onFooter​(IsChart chart,
                                      List<TooltipItem> items)
        Returns text to render as the footer of the tooltip.
        If returns null or empty list, it will be ignored.
        chart - chart instance
        items - list of all tooltip items
        a list of labels to apply to the title.
      • onAfterFooter

        default List<String> onAfterFooter​(IsChart chart,
                                           List<TooltipItem> items)
        Text to render after the footer section.
        If returns null or empty list, it will be ignored.
        chart - chart instance
        items - list of all tooltip items
        a list of labels to apply to the title.