Interface IsDefaultPlugins

    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled​(String pluginId)
        Returns if a global plugin is enabled or not.
        pluginId - plugin id.
        false if a global plugin is not enabled otherwise true.
      • hasOptions

        boolean hasOptions​(String pluginId)
        Checks if there is any options for a specific plugin, by its id.
        pluginId - plugin id.
        true if there is an options, otherwise false.
      • getOptions

        <T extends AbstractPluginOptions> T getOptions​(String pluginId,
                                                       AbstractPluginOptionsFactory<T> factory)
        Returns the plugin options, if exist. It uses a factory instance to create a native object container.
        If factory argument is not consistent, null is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of native object container to return
        pluginId - plugin id.
        factory - factory instance to create a native object container.
        java script object used to configure the plugin or an empty object if not exist. If factory argument is not consistent, null is returned.