Interface BeforeDatasetDrawHook

  • public interface BeforeDatasetDrawHook
    Called before drawing the 'chart' dataset at the given 'args.index' (datasets are drawn in the reverse order).
    If any plugin returns false, the datasets drawing is cancelled until another 'render' is triggered.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • onBeforeDatasetDraw

        boolean onBeforeDatasetDraw​(IsChart chart,
                                    PluginDatasetArgument item)
        Called before drawing the 'chart' dataset at the given 'args.index' (datasets are drawn in the reverse order).
        If any plugin returns false, the datasets drawing is cancelled until another 'render' is triggered.
        chart - the chart instance.
        item - the dataset item.
        false to cancel the chart datasets drawing.