Class HoverFlexDataset

    • Constructor Detail

      • HoverFlexDataset

        protected HoverFlexDataset​(Type type,
                                   IsDefaultOptions defaultValues,
                                   boolean hidden)
        Creates the dataset using a default and chart type related to the dataset.
        type - chart type related to the dataset
        defaultValues - default options
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
    • Method Detail

      • setColors

        protected void setColors​(Key key,
                                 String... colors)
        Sets a color property in the dataset, setting a single value or an array.
        key - property key
        colors - colors value to be set
      • setColors

        protected void setColors​(Key key,
                                 IsColor... colors)
        Sets a color property in the dataset, setting a single value or an array.
        key - property key
        colors - colors value to be set
      • getColors

        protected ArrayString getColors​(Key key,
                                        String defaultvalue)
        Returns an array of colors as string.
        key - property key
        defaultvalue - default value if key does not exist
        an array of colors
      • setWidths

        protected void setWidths​(Key key,
                                 int... widths)
        Sets a width property in the dataset, setting a single value or an array.
        key - property key
        widths - widths value to be set
      • getWidths

        protected ArrayInteger getWidths​(Key key,
                                         int defaultvalue)
        Returns an array of widths as integer
        key - property key
        defaultvalue - default value if key does not exist
        an array of widths
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(IsColor... backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill colors of the elements.
        backgroundColor - the fill colors of the elements.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(String... backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill colors of the elements.
        backgroundColor - the fill colors of the elements.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Pattern... backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill pattern of the elements.
        backgroundColor - the fill pattern of element.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Gradient... backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill gradient of the elements.
        backgroundColor - the fill gradient of the elements.
      • getBackgroundColorAsString

        public List<String> getBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the fill colors of the elements.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill colors of the elements.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
      • getBackgroundColor

        public List<IsColor> getBackgroundColor()
        Returns the fill colors of the elements.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill colors of the elements.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
      • getBackgroundColorAsPatterns

        public List<Pattern> getBackgroundColorAsPatterns()
        Returns the fill patters of elements.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill patterns of elements.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list.
      • getBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the fill gradient of elements.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        the fill gradient of elements.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(IsColor... borderColor)
        Sets the color of the bar border.
        borderColor - the color of the bar border
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(String... borderColor)
        Sets the color of the bar border.
        borderColor - the color of the bar border
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(Gradient... borderColor)
        Sets the gradient of the bar border as gradient.
        borderColor - the gradient of the bar border as gradient.
      • getBorderColorAsString

        public List<String> getBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the bar border.
        list of the color of the bar border
      • getBorderColor

        public List<IsColor> getBorderColor()
        Returns the color of the bar border.
        list of the color of the bar border
      • getBorderColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the gradient of the bar border.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        the gradient of the bar border.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(int... borderWidth)
        Sets the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        borderWidth - the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
      • getBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getBorderWidth()
        Returns the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list.
        list of the stroke width of the bar in pixels.
        If a callback has been set, returns an empty list.
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(IsColor... colors)
        Sets the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(String... colors)
        Sets the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(Pattern... colors)
        Sets the fill pattern of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the fill pattern of element when hovered
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(Gradient... colors)
        Sets the fill gradient of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the fill gradient of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsString

        public List<String> getHoverBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
      • getHoverBackgroundColor

        public List<IsColor> getHoverBackgroundColor()
        Returns the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns an empty list.
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsPatterns

        public List<Pattern> getHoverBackgroundColorAsPatterns()
        Returns the fill patters of elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill patterns of elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list.
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the fill gradients of elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill gradients of elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(IsColor... colors)
        Sets the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(String... colors)
        Sets the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
        colors - the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(Gradient... colors)
        Sets the stroke gradient of elements when hovered as gradient.
        colors - the stroke gradient of elements when hovered as gradient
      • getHoverBorderColorAsString

        public List<String> getHoverBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
        list of the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBorderColor

        public List<IsColor> getHoverBorderColor()
        Returns the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
        list of the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBorderColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getHoverBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the stroke gradients of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list.
        list of the stroke gradients of the elements when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns an empty list
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(int... widths)
        Sets the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        widths - the stroke width of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getHoverBorderWidth()
        Returns the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        list of the stroke width of the elements when hovered