Interface HasTimeSeriesItems

    • Method Detail

      • isTimeSeriesItem

        static boolean isTimeSeriesItem​(DataPoint datapoint)
        Returns true if the data point, passed as argument, has got the properties to be a time series item (time and Y value).
        datapoint - data point instance to be checked
        true if the data point, passed as argument, has got the properties to be a time series item (time and Y value)
      • checkTimeSeriesItems

        static void checkTimeSeriesItems​(List<DataPoint> datapoints)
        Checks if the list of data points, passed as argument, have got the properties to be time series items (time and Y value).
        If not, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        datapoints - list of data points to be checked
      • setData

        default void setData​(double... values)
        Throws an exception because not available.
        values - ignored because will throw an exception
      • setData

        default void setData​(List<Double> values)
        Throws an exception because not available.
        values - ignored because will throw an exception
      • getData

        default List<Double> getData()
        Throws an exception because not available.
        will throw an exception
      • getData

        default List<Double> getData​(boolean binding)
        Throws an exception because not available.
        binding - ignored because will throw an exception
        will throw an exception
      • setDataPoints

        default void setDataPoints​(DataPoint... datapoints)
        Sets the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of data points.
        Specified by:
        setDataPoints in interface HasDataPoints
        datapoints - an array of data points
      • setDataPoints

        default void setDataPoints​(List<DataPoint> datapoints)
        Sets the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of data points.
        Specified by:
        setDataPoints in interface HasDataPoints
        datapoints - a list of data points
      • setTimeSeriesData

        default void setTimeSeriesData​(TimeSeriesItem... items)
        Sets the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of time series items.
        items - an array of time series items
      • setTimeSeriesData

        default void setTimeSeriesData​(List<TimeSeriesItem> items)
        Sets the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of time series items.
        items - a list of time series items
      • getTimeSeriesData

        default List<TimeSeriesItem> getTimeSeriesData()
        Returns the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of time series items.
        a list of time series items or an empty list of time series items if the data type is not DataType.POINTS.
      • getTimeSeriesData

        default List<TimeSeriesItem> getTimeSeriesData​(boolean binding)
        Returns the data property of a dataset for a chart is specified as an array of time series items
        binding - if true binds the new array list in the container
        a list of time series items or an empty list of time series data if the data type is not DataType.POINTS.