Interface ClickEventHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractEventHandler, DataLabelsPointerHandler, DataLabelsSelectionHandler

    public interface ClickEventHandler
    Callback interface of DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin to manage CLICK events on labels.
    Charba events need to be enabled in order to get the associated label event working.
    If the callback explicitly returns true, the label is updated with the new context and the chart re-rendered. This allows to implement visual interactions with labels such as highlight, selection, etc.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • onClick

        boolean onClick​(DataLabelsContext context,
                        ChartEventContext event)
        Invoked to manage CLICK events on labels.
        context - DataLabelsPlugin.ID plugin context instance
        event - event instance
        If the callback explicitly returns true, the label is updated with the new context and the chart re-rendered.