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Version: 5.3


With a chart, a legend is an area of a chart describing each of the data sets of the chart.

The chart legend displays data about the data sets that area appearing on the chart.

To get, change and apply own properties, you can invoke the set and get methods, as following:

// sets and gets position option to the legend of the chart

Position position = chart.getOptions().getLegend().getPosition();

The default values are set in global defaults options, see default global legend options.

The following legend options are available.

alignElementAlignAlignment of the legend.
displaybooleanIf true, the legend is shown.
eventsEvent[]The events option defines the browser events that the legend should listen to.
fullSizebooleanMarks that this box should take the full width/height of the canvas (moving other boxes).
maxHeightintMaximum height of the legend, in pixels.
maxWidthintMaximum width of the legend, in pixels.
positionPositionPosition of the legend.
reversebooleanLegend will show data sets in reverse order.
rtlbooleanSet true for rendering the legends from right to left.
textDirectionTextDirectionThis will force the text direction on the canvas for rendering the legend, regardless of the CSS specified on the canvas.


A chart legend can emits events during its life cycle, when the user clicks, hovers or leaves the legend.


The click event is thrown when a click event is registered on a label item. To catch the event and manage it, you can add a LegendClickEventHandler instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.addHandler(new LegendClickEventHandler(){

* Invoked when the user clicks on the chart legend.
* @param event legend click event
public void onClick(LegendClickEvent event){
// logic

}, LegendClickEvent.TYPE);

The event provides the legend item object with all information about the clicked item.

When a LegendClickEventHandler instance, the default behavior of the chart (enable and disable datasets) is not performed. To invoke it, you can use invokeLegendOnClick method of Defaults object.


The hover event is thrown when a mousemove event is registered on top of a label item. To catch the event and manage it, you can add a LegendHoverEventHandler instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.addHandler(new LegendHoverEventHandler(){

* Invoked when the user hovers on the chart legend.
* @param event legend hover event
public void onHover(LegendHoverEvent event){
// logic

}, LegendHoverEvent.TYPE);

The event provides the legend item object with all information about the hovered item.

When a LegendHoverEventHandler instance, the default behavior of the chart is not performed. To invoke it, you can use invokeLegendOnHover method of Defaults object.


The leave event is thrown when a mouseout event is registered on top of a label item. To catch the event and manage it, you can add a LegendLeaveEventHandler instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.addHandler(new LegendleaveEventHandler(){

* Invoked when the user leaves on the chart legend.
* @param event legend leave event
public void onLeave(LegendLeaveEvent event){
// logic

}, LegendLeaveEvent.TYPE);

The event provides the legend item object with all information about the left item.

When a LegendLeaveEventHandler instance, the default behavior of the chart is not performed. To invoke it, you can use invokeLegendOnLeave method of Defaults object.

Legend labels

The chart legend title can configure the title visible on legend element.

To get, change and apply own properties, you can invoke the set and get methods, as following:

// sets and gets the padding and usePointStyle options for
// the labels of legend

boolean usePointStyle = chart.getOptions().getLegend().getLegendLabels().isUsePointStyle();
int padding = chart.getOptions().getLegend().getLegendLabels().getPadding();

The default values are set in global defaults options, see default global legend labels options.

The following are the attributes that you can set:

boxWidthintWidth of colored box.
boxHeightintHeight of the colored box.
colorString - String[] - IsColor - IsColor[]The color of the legend text label.
See default colors.
fontIsFontFont family of legend text label.
See Font.
paddingintPadding between rows of colored boxes.
pointStylePointStyle - Img - CanvasThis style of point is used for the legend. Only used if usePointStyle is true.
textAlignTextAlignHorizontal alignment of the label text.
usePointStylebooleanLabel style will match corresponding point style (size is based on fontSize, boxWidth is not used in this case).


A chart legend labels can be configured at runtime, providing some interfaces for a specific purpose.

filter callback

Allows filtering of legend items.

To apply a filter callback, you can set a LegendFilterCallback instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.getOptions().getLegend().getLabels().setFilterCallback(new LegendFilterCallback(){

* Allows filtering of legend items.
* @param chart chart instance
* @param item item to be filtered
* @return false to remove the item
* from the container, otherwise true.
public boolean onFilter(IsChart chart, LegendItem item){
// logic
return true;


The callback uses LegendItem to enable filtering.

itemSort callback

Allows sorting of legend items.

To apply a item sort callback, you can set a LegendItemSortCallback instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.getOptions().getLegend().getLabels().setItemSortCallback(new LegendItemSortCallback(){

* Allows sorting of legend items.
* @param chart chart instance
* @param item1 the first object to be compared.
* @param item2 the second object to be compared.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
public int onItemSort(IsChart chart, LegendItem item1, LegendItem item2){
// logic
return 0;


The callback uses LegendItem to enable filtering.

generateLabels callback

Generates legend label items for each thing in the legend. Default implementation returns the text and styling for the color box.

To apply a custom callback, you can set a legend labels callback instance to the chart options, as following:

chart.getOptions().getLegend().getLegendLabels().setLabelsCallback(new LegendLabelsCallback(){

* Generates legend items for each thing in the legend. Default implementation returns the text + styling for the color box.
* @param chart chart instance
* @param defaultLabels list of labels created by CHART.JS using the out of the box generate labels callback.
* @return a list of legend items. if null, uses the default implementation
List<LegendLabelItem> generateLegendLabels(IsChart chart, List<LegendLabelItem> defaultLabels){
// logic
return legendItemListInstance;


The callback gets the list of legend items, as argument, that Chart.JS have been calculated as default.

This helps the implementation of the callback because you can change ONLY what you need to update.

The callback returns a list of label items, which the properties to be applied.

Legend title

The chart legend labels can configure the labels visible on legend element.

To change and apply own properties, you can invoke the set methods, as following:

// sets text to the title of legend
chart.getOptions().getLegend().getTitle().setText("This is my legend title");
// sets padding to the title of legend and enables it

Padding padding = chart.getOptions().getLegend().getTitle().getPadding();
boolean display = chart.getOptions().getLegend().getTitle().isDisplay();

The default values are set in global defaults options, see default global legend title options.

The following are the attributes that you can set:

displaybooleanIf true, the legend title is shown.
paddingPaddingNumber of pixels to add above and below the title text.
See padding documentation for more details.
colorString - String[] - IsColor - IsColor[]The color of the legend text title.
See default colors.
fontIsFontFont family of legend text title.
See Font.

AtLeastOneDatasetHandler event handler

Charba provides a common implementation for legend click event handler to enable the control about how many data sets are hidden, in order to have at least 1 data set visible and avoid to have an empty chart.

To apply the event handler, you can set to the chart, as following:

// adds handler
chart.addHandler(new AtLeastOneDatasetHandler(), LegendClickEvent.TYPE);