See: Description
Interface | Description |
AxisType |
Represents the scale type of a scale/axis object.
HasAnimation |
Defines a configuration element which is managing the ANIMATION options.
It has being used in the options and datasets instances where ANIMATION is required. |
IsLinearAxis |
Common methods for numeric scales (linear/log cartesian and radial).
IsLinearTick |
Common methods for linear scale tick is use to chart numerical data.
Can be used for linear cartesian and radial ticks. |
IsNumericAxis |
Common methods for numeric scales (linear/log cartesian and radial).
IsNumericTick |
Common methods for numeric ticks (linear/log cartesian and radial).
Class | Description |
AbstractPieOptions |
Abstract options for PIE chart.
Adapters |
The following adapters element is used to configure a date adapter, injecting to support time series in the CAHRT.JS.
Animation |
It animates charts out of the box.
A number of options are provided to configure how the animation looks and how long it takes. This configuration item is configuring the common animation properties. |
AnimationContainer |
Manages the ANIMATION, ANIMATIONS and TRANSITIONS options in order to use the same logic among all options/configuration and datasets.
Animations |
It animates charts out of the box.
A number of options are provided to configure how the animation looks and how long it takes. This configuration item is configuring the common animation properties for a specific sets of element(like bar, point, arc and line) properties. |
Arc |
Arcs are used in the polar area, doughnut and pie charts.
Axis |
Axes are an integral part of a chart.
They are used to determine how data maps to a pixel value on the chart. It contains a number of config callbacks that can be used to change parameters in the scale at different points in the update process. |
Bar |
Bar elements are used to represent the bars in a bar chart.
BarOptions |
Specific options for BAR chart.
BubbleOptions |
Specific options for BUBBLE chart.
CartesianAxis<T extends org.pepstock.charba.client.configuration.CartesianTick> |
Axes are an integral part of a chart.
CartesianCategoryAxis |
This object is used to map defined axis as category.
CartesianCategoryTick |
The category scale provides the following options for configuring tick marks.
The labels are drawn from one of the label arrays included in the chart data. |
CartesianLinearAxis |
This object is used to map defined axis as linear.
CartesianLinearTick |
The linear scale is use to chart numerical data.
It can be placed on either the x or y axis. The scatter chart type automatically configures a line chart to use one of these scales for the x axis. As the name suggests, linear interpolation is used to determine where a value lies on the axis. |
CartesianLogarithmicAxis |
This object is used to map defined axis as logarithmic.
CartesianLogarithmicTick |
The logarithmic scale is use to chart numerical data.
CartesianScaleTitle |
When creating a chart, you want to tell the viewer what data they are viewing.
CartesianTimeAxis |
This object is used to map defined axis as time.
CartesianTimeSeriesAxis |
This object is used to map defined axis as time series.
CartesianTimeTick |
The time scale is use to chart time data.
It can be placed on either the x or y axis. |
ConfigurationEnvelop<T> |
This object is a container of hidden object to pass to other packages.
It can not be instantiated in order that public methods can be invoked in safe mode. |
ConfigurationOptions |
Base object which maps chart configuration.
CHARBA stores the unique chart ID in the CHART.JS chart options using charbaId property key.Important topics to take care: Responsive When it comes to change the chart size based on the window size, a major limitation is that the canvas render size (canvas.width and .height) can not be expressed with relative values, contrary to the display size ( and .height). |
Datasets |
It contains the options to apply to all data sets of the chart.
Decimation |
The configuration for
DefaultPluginId.DECIMATION plugin. |
DisplayFormats |
The display formats are used to configure how different time units are formed in the strings for the axis tick marks.
DoughnutOptions |
Specific options for DOUGHNUT chart.
Elements |
Options can be configured for four different types of elements: arc, lines, points, and bars.
When set, these options apply to the configuration attached to a dataset. |
Filler |
The configuration for
DefaultPluginId.FILLER plugin. |
Font |
Base object to map font configuration.
Grid |
The grid line configuration defines options for the grid that run perpendicular to the axis.
HorizontalBarOptions |
Specific options for HORIZONTAL BAR chart.
Hover |
Definitions about how elements appear in the tooltip, hovering the chart.
Interaction |
Definitions about how elements appear in the tooltip, hovering the chart.
Layout |
The layout configuration is needed to set the padding.
Legend |
The chart legend displays data about the datasets that area appearing on the chart.
LegendLabels |
This is the labels configuration of the legend.
LegendTitle |
This is the title configuration of the legend.
Line |
Line elements are used to represent the line in a line chart.
LineOptions |
Specific options for LINE chart.
Major |
It defines options for the major tick marks that are generated by the axis.
Padding |
Maps the additional space to apply to the sides of elements (left, top, right, bottom), in pixels.
PieOptions |
Specific options for PIE chart.
Plugins |
Definitions about plugins options.
This is used to configure plugins (mainly the global ones). Every plugin could have own configuration structure. The java script object key is the plugin id. |
Point |
Point elements are used to represent the points in a line chart or a bubble chart.
PolarAreaOptions |
Specific options for POLAR AREA chart.
RadarOptions |
Specific options for RADAR chart.
RadialAngleLines |
It is used to configure angled lines that radiate from the center of the chart to the point labels.
Note that these options only apply if display is true. |
RadialAxis |
Radial axes are used specifically for the radar and polar area chart types.
These axes overlay the chart area, rather than being positioned on one of the edges. The linear scale is use to chart numerical data. As the name suggests, linear interpolation is used to determine where a value lies in relation the center of the axis. |
RadialLinearTick |
This object is used to map defined radial axis as linear.
RadialPointLabels |
It is used to configure the point labels that are shown on the perimeter of the scale.
Note that these options only apply if display is true. |
ScaleDateAdapter |
This is abstract date adapter object element of the chart options.
Scales |
The configuration element which contains all axes definitions.
ScalesOptions |
Configuration of chart with multiple scales.
ScatterOptions |
Specific options for SCATTER chart.
Segment |
The segment configuration for
LineOptions .Line segment styles can be overridden by scriptable options in the segment object. Currently all of the border* and background color options are supported. The segment styles are resolved for each section of the line between each point. null fallbacks to main line styles. |
StackedOptions |
Configuration of chart which could be stacked.
It uses Category axis for X axis and Linear for Y axis. |
StackedScales |
Specific scales for stacked charts.
StandardAxisType |
This is a standard implementation of a axis type
Subtitle |
Configures the chart title which defines text to draw at the top of the chart.
Time |
The time configuration is used to configure how time and time series axes must configure the tick marks.
TimeSeriesBarOptions |
Specific options for BAR chart, for time series.
TimeSeriesLineOptions |
Specific options for LINE chartfor time series.
TimeSeriesScales |
Specific scales for time series charts.
It uses CartesianTimeSeriesAxis for X axis and Linear for Y axis. |
Title |
Configures the chart title which defines text to draw at the top of the chart.
Tooltips |
Configuration element to set all attributes and features of the tooltip.
TooltipsCallbacks |
Contains all callbacks defined for a toolitp.
Transitions |
It animates charts out of the box.
A number of options are provided to configure how the animation looks and how long it takes. This configuration item is configuring the common animation properties for a specific update mode (transition). |
TypedDataset |
It contains the options to apply to all datasets of the chart.
VerticalLineOptions |
Specific options for vertical LINE chart.