Class BoxLabel

    • Field Detail


        public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISPLAY
        Default box label display, false.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Weight DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT
        Default box label font weight, Weight.BOLD.

        public static final String DEFAULT_COLOR_AS_STRING
        Default box label font color as string, rgb(255, 255, 255).

        public static final int DEFAULT_PADDING
        Default box label padding, 6.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DEFAULT_X_ADJUST
        Default box label X adjust, 0.0.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DEFAULT_Y_ADJUST
        Default box label Y adjust, 0.0.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getPosition

        public AlignPosition getPosition()
        Returns the anchor position of label on line.
        the anchor position of label on line
      • getPositionCallback

        public LabelAlignPositionCallback getPositionCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the anchor position of label on box.
        the callback called to set the anchor position of label on box
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(LabelAlignPositionCallback positionCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the anchor position of label on box.
        positionCallback - to set the anchor position of label on box
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(NativeCallback positionCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the anchor position of label on box.
        positionCallback - to set the anchor position of label on box
      • isDisplay

        public abstract boolean isDisplay()
        Returns true whether the label should be displayed.
        true whether the label should be displayed
      • getDrawTime

        public abstract DrawTime getDrawTime()
        Returns the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn.
        the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn
      • getXAdjust

        public abstract double getXAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For horizontal lines positioned left or right, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label
      • getYAdjust

        public abstract double getYAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For vertical lines positioned top or bottom, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label
      • getDisplayCallback

        public default DisplayCallback<AnnotationContext> getDisplayCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set whether the label should be displayed.
        the callback called to set whether the label should be displayed
      • getXAdjustCallback

        public default AdjustSizeCallback getXAdjustCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        the callback called to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • getYAdjustCallback

        public default AdjustSizeCallback getYAdjustCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        the callback called to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • getLabelHandler

        public final org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.LabelHandler getLabelHandler()
      • setDisplay

        public final void setDisplay​(boolean display)
        Sets true whether the label should be displayed.
        display - true whether the label should be displayed
      • isDisplay

        public final boolean isDisplay()
        Returns true whether the label should be displayed.
        true whether the label should be displayed
      • setXAdjust

        public final void setXAdjust​(double xAdjust)
        Sets the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For horizontal lines positioned left or right, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        xAdjust - the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label
      • getXAdjust

        public final double getXAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For horizontal lines positioned left or right, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label
      • setYAdjust

        public final void setYAdjust​(double yAdjust)
        Sets the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For vertical lines positioned top or bottom, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        yAdjust - the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label
      • getYAdjust

        public final double getYAdjust()
        Returns the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        For vertical lines positioned top or bottom, negative values move the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
        the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label
      • setDrawTime

        public final void setDrawTime​(DrawTime drawTime)
        Sets the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn.
        drawTime - the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn
      • getDrawTime

        public final DrawTime getDrawTime()
        Returns the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn.
        the draw time which defines when the annotations are drawn
      • getDisplayCallback

        public final DisplayCallback<AnnotationContext> getDisplayCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set whether the label should be displayed.
        the callback called to set whether the label should be displayed
      • setDisplay

        public final void setDisplay​(DisplayCallback<AnnotationContext> displayCallback)
        Sets the callback to set whether the label should be displayed.
        displayCallback - to set whether the label should be displayed
      • setDisplay

        public final void setDisplay​(NativeCallback displayCallback)
        Sets the callback to set whether the label should be displayed.
        displayCallback - to set whether the label should be displayed
      • getXAdjustCallback

        public final AdjustSizeCallback getXAdjustCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        the callback called to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • setXAdjust

        public final void setXAdjust​(AdjustSizeCallback adjustCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        adjustCallback - to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • setXAdjust

        public final void setXAdjust​(NativeCallback adjustCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        adjustCallback - to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • getYAdjustCallback

        public final AdjustSizeCallback getYAdjustCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        the callback called to set the adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • setYAdjust

        public final void setYAdjust​(AdjustSizeCallback adjustCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        adjustCallback - to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • setYAdjust

        public final void setYAdjust​(NativeCallback adjustCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative).
        adjustCallback - to set the adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
      • getFont

        public default IsFont getFont()
        Returns the font element.
        the font element.
      • getPadding

        public default IsPadding getPadding()
        Returns the padding element.
        the padding element.
      • setColor

        public default void setColor​(IsColor fontColor)
        Sets the color of text.
        fontColor - the color of text
      • setColor

        public default void setColor​(String fontColor)
        Sets the color of text as string.
        fontColor - the color of text
      • getColorAsString

        public default String getColorAsString()
        Returns the color of text as string.
        the color of text
      • getColor

        public default IsColor getColor()
        Returns the color of text.
        the color of text
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(List<String> content)
        Sets the text to display in label.
        Provide a list to display values on a new line.
        content - the text to display in label as multi-line values
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(String... content)
        Sets the text to display in label.
        Provide an array to display values on a new line.
        content - the text to display in label
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(Img content)
        Sets the image to display in label.
        content - the image to display in label
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(Canvas content)
        Sets the canvas to display in label.
        content - the canvas to display in label
      • getContent

        public default List<String> getContent()
        Returns the text to display in label as list.
        the text to display in label as list
      • getContentAsImage

        public default Img getContentAsImage()
        Returns the text to display in label as list.
        the text to display in label as list
      • getContentAsCanvas

        public default Canvas getContentAsCanvas()
        Returns the text to display in label as Canvas.
        the text to display in label as Canvas
      • setImageHeight

        public default void setImageHeight​(int height)
        Sets the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        height - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageHeightAsPercentage

        public default void setImageHeightAsPercentage​(String heightPercentage)
        Sets the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        heightPercentage - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageHeight

        public default int getImageHeight()
        Returns the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageHeightAsPercentage

        public default String getImageHeightAsPercentage()
        Returns the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidth

        public default void setImageWidth​(int width)
        Sets the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        width - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidthAsPercentage

        public default void setImageWidthAsPercentage​(String widthPercentage)
        Sets the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        widthPercentage - the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageWidth

        public default int getImageWidth()
        Returns the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the width of label content, when is set as Img, in pixels in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageWidthAsPercentage

        public default String getImageWidthAsPercentage()
        Returns the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setTextAlign

        public default void setTextAlign​(TextAlign align)
        Sets the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        align - the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • getTextAlign

        public default TextAlign getTextAlign()
        Returns the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • getColorCallback

        public default ColorCallback<AnnotationContext> getColorCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the color of the text of label.
        the callback called to set the color of the text of label
      • setColor

        public default void setColor​(ColorCallback<AnnotationContext> colorCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the color of the text of label.
        colorCallback - to set the color of the text of label
      • setColor

        public default void setColor​(NativeCallback colorCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the color of the text of label.
        colorCallback - to set the color of the text of label
      • getContentCallback

        public default ContentCallback getContentCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the text to display in label as list.
        the callback called to set the text to display in label as list
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(ContentCallback contentCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the text to display in label as list.
        contentCallback - to set the text to display in label as list
      • setContent

        public default void setContent​(NativeCallback contentCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the text to display in label as list.
        contentCallback - to set the text to display in label as list
      • getImageHeightCallback

        public default ImageSizeCallback getImageHeightCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the callback called to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageHeight

        public default void setImageHeight​(ImageSizeCallback imageSizeCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        imageSizeCallback - to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageHeight

        public default void setImageHeight​(NativeCallback imageSizeCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        imageSizeCallback - to set the height of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getImageWidthCallback

        public default ImageSizeCallback getImageWidthCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        the callback called to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidth

        public default void setImageWidth​(ImageSizeCallback imageSizeCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        imageSizeCallback - to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • setImageWidth

        public default void setImageWidth​(NativeCallback imageSizeCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn.
        imageSizeCallback - to set the width of label content, when is set as Img, in percentage (format is "{n}%") in order to scale the image when drawn
      • getTextAlignCallback

        public default TextAlignCallback<AnnotationContext> getTextAlignCallback()
        Returns the callback called to set the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        the callback called to set the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • setTextAlign

        public default void setTextAlign​(TextAlignCallback<AnnotationContext> alignCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        alignCallback - to the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines
      • setTextAlign

        public default void setTextAlign​(NativeCallback alignCallback)
        Sets the callback to set the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines.
        alignCallback - to the horizontal alignment of the label text when multiple lines