Class LiningDataset

    • Constructor Detail

      • LiningDataset

        protected LiningDataset​(Type type,
                                IsDefaultOptions defaultValues,
                                boolean hidden)
        Creates the data set using a default and chart type related to the data set.
        type - chart type related to the data set
        defaultValues - default options
        hidden - if true, it will be initially hidden.
    • Method Detail

      • getFillHandler

        public FillHandler getFillHandler()
        Description copied from interface: HasFill
        Returns a fill handler instance to use in the default methods of this interface.
        Specified by:
        getFillHandler in interface HasFill
        a fill handler instance
      • getOrderHandler

        public final getOrderHandler()
      • getSpanGapHandler

        public final SpanGapHandler getSpanGapHandler()
        Description copied from interface: HasSpanGaps
        Returns a span gap handler instance to use in the default methods of this interface.
        Specified by:
        getSpanGapHandler in interface HasSpanGaps
        a span gap handler instance
      • getPointStyleHandler

        public final getPointStyleHandler()
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Returns the label for the data set which appears in the legend and tooltips.
        getLabel in class Dataset
        the label for the data set which appears in the legend and tooltips.
      • setDrawActiveElementsOnTop

        public void setDrawActiveElementsOnTop​(boolean drawActiveElementsOnTop)
        Sets if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
        drawActiveElementsOnTop - if true, draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset
      • isDrawActiveElementsOnTop

        public boolean isDrawActiveElementsOnTop()
        Returns if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
        if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(IsColor backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill color under the line.
        backgroundColor - the fill color under the line.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(String backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill color under the line.
        backgroundColor - the fill color under the line.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Pattern backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill pattern under the line.
        backgroundColor - the fill pattern under the line.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Gradient backgroundColor)
        Sets the fill gradient under the line.
        backgroundColor - the fill gradient under the line.
      • getBackgroundColorAsString

        public String getBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the fill color under the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default background color.
        the fill color under the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default background color.
      • getBackgroundColor

        public IsColor getBackgroundColor()
        Returns the fill color under the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default background color.
        the fill color under the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default background color.
      • getBackgroundColorAsPattern

        public Pattern getBackgroundColorAsPattern()
        Returns the fill pattern under the line.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null.
        the fill pattern under the line.
        If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null.
      • getBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public Gradient getBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the fill gradient under the line.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null.
        the fill gradient under the line.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null.
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(IsColor borderColor)
        Sets the color of the line.
        borderColor - the color of the line.
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(String borderColor)
        Sets the color of the line.
        borderColor - the color of the line.
      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(Gradient borderColor)
        Sets the gradient of the line.
        borderColor - the gradient of the line.
      • getBorderColorAsString

        public String getBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the color of the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
        the color of the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
      • getBorderColor

        public IsColor getBorderColor()
        Returns the color of the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
        the color of the line.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
      • getBorderColorAsGradient

        public Gradient getBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the gradient of the line.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null.
        the gradient of the line.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(int borderWidth)
        Sets the width of the line in pixels.
        borderWidth - the width of the line in pixels.
      • getBorderWidth

        public int getBorderWidth()
        Returns the width of the line in pixels.
        the width of the line in pixels.
      • getBorderWidthCallback

        public WidthCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(WidthCallback<DatasetContext> borderWidthCallback)
        Sets the border width callback.
        borderWidthCallback - the border width callback to set
      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(NativeCallback borderWidthCallback)
        Sets the border width callback.
        borderWidthCallback - the border width callback to set
      • setBorderDash

        public void setBorderDash​(int... borderDash)
        Sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
        borderDash - the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
      • getBorderDash

        public List<Integer> getBorderDash()
        Returns the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
        the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern.
      • setBorderDashOffset

        public void setBorderDashOffset​(double borderDashOffset)
        Sets the line dash pattern offset.
        borderDashOffset - the line dash pattern offset.
      • getBorderDashOffset

        public double getBorderDashOffset()
        Returns the line dash pattern offset.
        the line dash pattern offset.
      • setBorderCapStyle

        public void setBorderCapStyle​(CapStyle borderCapStyle)
        Sets how the end points of every line are drawn.
        borderCapStyle - how the end points of every line are drawn.
      • getBorderCapStyle

        public CapStyle getBorderCapStyle()
        Returns how the end points of every line are drawn.
        how the end points of every line are drawn.
      • setBorderJoinStyle

        public void setBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyle borderJoinStyle)
        Sets how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        borderJoinStyle - how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • getBorderJoinStyle

        public JoinStyle getBorderJoinStyle()
        Returns how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped).
        how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together
      • setTension

        public void setTension​(double tension)
        Sets curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straight lines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used.
        tension - curve tension of the line
      • getTension

        public double getTension()
        Returns curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straight lines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used.
        curve tension of the line.
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(IsColor color)
        Sets the fill color of the elements when hovered
        color - the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(String color)
        Sets the fill color of the elements when hovered
        color - the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(Pattern pattern)
        Sets the fill pattern of the elements when hovered.
        pattern - the fill pattern of element when hovered.
      • setHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setHoverBackgroundColor​(Gradient gradient)
        Sets the fill gradient of the elements when hovered.
        gradient - the fill gradient of the elements when hovered.
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsString

        public String getHoverBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBackgroundColor

        public IsColor getHoverBackgroundColor()
        Returns the fill color of the elements when hovered.
        the fill color of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsPatterns

        public Pattern getHoverBackgroundColorAsPatterns()
        Returns the fill patters of elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null.
        the fill patterns of elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null
      • getHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public Gradient getHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the fill gradients of elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null.
        the fill gradients of elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns null
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(IsColor color)
        Sets the stroke color of the elements when hovered
        color - the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(String color)
        Sets the stroke color of the elements when hovered
        color - the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • setHoverBorderColor

        public void setHoverBorderColor​(Gradient gradient)
        Sets the stroke gradient of elements when hovered as gradient.
        gradient - the stroke gradient of elements when hovered as gradient.
      • getHoverBorderColorAsString

        public String getHoverBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
        the stroke color of the elements when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderColor

        public IsColor getHoverBorderColor()
        Returns the stroke color of the elements when hovered
        the stroke color of the elements when hovered
      • getHoverBorderColorAsGradient

        public Gradient getHoverBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the stroke gradients of the elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null.
        list of the stroke gradients of the elements when hovered. If property is missing or not a pattern, returns null
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(int width)
        Sets the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        width - the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderWidth

        public int getHoverBorderWidth()
        Returns the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
        list of the stroke width of the elements when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderWidthCallback

        public WidthCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(WidthCallback<DatasetContext> hoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the hover border width callback.
        hoverBorderWidthCallback - the hover border width callback to set
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(NativeCallback hoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the hover border width callback.
        hoverBorderWidthCallback - the hover border width callback to set
      • setHoverBorderDash

        public void setHoverBorderDash​(int... borderDash)
        Sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern, when element is hovered.
        borderDash - the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern, when element is hovered
      • getHoverBorderDash

        public List<Integer> getHoverBorderDash()
        Returns the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern, when element is hovered.
        the line dash pattern used when stroking lines, using an array of values which specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern, when element is hovered
      • setHoverBorderDashOffset

        public void setHoverBorderDashOffset​(double borderDashOffset)
        Sets the line dash pattern offset, when element is hovered.
        borderDashOffset - the line dash pattern offset, when element is hovered
      • getHoverBorderDashOffset

        public double getHoverBorderDashOffset()
        Returns the line dash pattern offset, when element is hovered.
        the line dash pattern offset, when element is hovered
      • setHoverBorderCapStyle

        public void setHoverBorderCapStyle​(CapStyle borderCapStyle)
        Sets how the end points of every line are drawn, when element is hovered.
        borderCapStyle - how the end points of every line are drawn, when element is hovered
      • getHoverBorderCapStyle

        public CapStyle getHoverBorderCapStyle()
        Returns how the end points of every line are drawn, when element is hovered.
        how the end points of every line are drawn, when element is hovered
      • setHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public void setHoverBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyle borderJoinStyle)
        Sets how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped), when element is hovered.
        There are three possible values for this property: round, bevel and miter. By default this property is set to miter.
        borderJoinStyle - There are three possible values for this property: round, bevel and miter.
      • getHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public JoinStyle getHoverBorderJoinStyle()
        Returns how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified end points and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped), when element is hovered.
        There are three possible values for this property: round, bevel and miter. By default this property is set to miter.
        There are three possible values for this property: round, bevel and miter.
      • setPointBackgroundColor

        public void setPointBackgroundColor​(IsColor... pointBackgroundColor)
        Sets the fill color for points.
        pointBackgroundColor - array of the fill color for points.
      • setPointBackgroundColor

        public void setPointBackgroundColor​(String... pointBackgroundColor)
        Sets the fill color for points.
        pointBackgroundColor - array of the fill color for points.
      • setPointBackgroundColor

        public void setPointBackgroundColor​(Gradient... pointBackgroundColor)
        Sets the gradients for points.
        pointBackgroundColor - array of the gradients for points.
      • getPointBackgroundColorAsString

        public List<String> getPointBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the fill color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point background color color.
        list of the fill color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the point background color color.
      • getPointBackgroundColor

        public List<IsColor> getPointBackgroundColor()
        Returns the fill color for points.
        list of the fill color for points.
      • getPointBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getPointBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the fill color for points. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        list of the fill color for points. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setPointBorderColor

        public void setPointBorderColor​(IsColor... pointBorderColor)
        Sets the border color for points.
        pointBorderColor - array of the border color for points.
      • setPointBorderColor

        public void setPointBorderColor​(String... pointBorderColor)
        Sets the border color for points.
        pointBorderColor - array of the border color for points.
      • setPointBorderColor

        public void setPointBorderColor​(Gradient... pointBorderColor)
        Sets the border gradient for points.
        pointBorderColor - array of the border gradient for points.
      • getPointBorderColorAsString

        public List<String> getPointBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the border color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point border color.
        list of the border color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point border color.
      • getPointBorderColor

        public List<IsColor> getPointBorderColor()
        Returns the border color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point border color.
        list of the border color for points. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point border color.
      • getPointBorderColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getPointBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the border gradient for points. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        list of the border gradient for points. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setPointBorderWidth

        public void setPointBorderWidth​(int... pointBorderWidth)
        Sets the width of the point border in pixels.
        pointBorderWidth - array of the width of the point border in pixels.
      • getPointBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getPointBorderWidth()
        Returns the width of the point border in pixels.
        list of the width of the point border in pixels.
      • setPointHitRadius

        public void setPointHitRadius​(double... pointHitRadius)
        Sets the pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events.
        pointHitRadius - array of the pixel size of the non-displayed point.
      • getPointHitRadius

        public List<Double> getPointHitRadius()
        Returns the pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events.
        list of the pixel size of the non-displayed point.
      • setPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setPointHoverBackgroundColor​(IsColor... pointHoverBackgroundColor)
        Sets the point background color when hovered.
        pointHoverBackgroundColor - array of the point background color when hovered.
      • setPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setPointHoverBackgroundColor​(String... pointHoverBackgroundColor)
        Sets the point hover background color when hovered.
        pointHoverBackgroundColor - array of the point background color when hovered.
      • setPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setPointHoverBackgroundColor​(Gradient... pointHoverBackgroundColor)
        Sets the point background gradient when hovered.
        pointHoverBackgroundColor - array of the point background gradient when hovered.
      • getPointHoverBackgroundColorAsString

        public List<String> getPointHoverBackgroundColorAsString()
        Returns the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point background color.
        list of the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point background color.
      • getPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public List<IsColor> getPointHoverBackgroundColor()
        Returns the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point background color.
        list of the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a color, returns the default point background color.
      • getPointHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getPointHoverBackgroundColorAsGradient()
        Returns the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        list of the point background color when hovered.
        If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setPointHoverBorderColor

        public void setPointHoverBorderColor​(IsColor... pointHoverBorderColor)
        Sets the point border color when hovered.
        pointHoverBorderColor - array of the point border color when hovered.
      • setPointHoverBorderColor

        public void setPointHoverBorderColor​(String... pointHoverBorderColor)
        Sets the point border color when hovered.
        pointHoverBorderColor - array of the point border color when hovered.
      • setPointHoverBorderColor

        public void setPointHoverBorderColor​(Gradient... pointHoverBorderColor)
        Sets the point border gradient when hovered.
        pointHoverBorderColor - array of the point border gradient when hovered.
      • getPointHoverBorderColorAsString

        public List<String> getPointHoverBorderColorAsString()
        Returns the point border color when hovered. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
        list of the point border color when hovered. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
      • getPointHoverBorderColor

        public List<IsColor> getPointHoverBorderColor()
        Returns the point border color when hovered. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
        list of the point border color when hovered. If property is missing or not a color, returns the default border color.
      • getPointHoverBorderColorAsGradient

        public List<Gradient> getPointHoverBorderColorAsGradient()
        Returns the point border gradient when hovered. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
        list of the point border gradient when hovered. If property is missing or not a gradient, returns an empty list.
      • setPointHoverBorderWidth

        public void setPointHoverBorderWidth​(int... pointHoverBorderWidth)
        Sets the border width of point when hovered.
        pointHoverBorderWidth - array of the border width of point when hovered.
      • getPointHoverBorderWidth

        public List<Integer> getPointHoverBorderWidth()
        Returns the border width of point when hovered.
        list of the border width of point when hovered.
      • setPointHoverRadius

        public void setPointHoverRadius​(double... pointHoverRadius)
        Sets the radius of the point when hovered.
        pointHoverRadius - array of the radius of the point when hovered.
      • getPointHoverRadius

        public List<Double> getPointHoverRadius()
        Returns the radius of the point when hovered.
        list of the radius of the point when hovered.
      • setPointRadius

        public void setPointRadius​(double... pointRadius)
        Sets the radius of the point shape.
        If set to 0, the point is not rendered.
        pointRadius - array of the radius of the point shape.
      • getPointRadius

        public List<Double> getPointRadius()
        Returns the radius of the point shape.
        list of the radius of the point shape.
      • setPointRotation

        public void setPointRotation​(double... pointRotation)
        Sets the rotation of the point in degrees.
        pointRotation - array of the rotation of the point in degrees.
      • getPointRotation

        public List<Double> getPointRotation()
        Returns the rotation of the point in degrees.
        list of the rotation of the point in degrees.
      • getPointBackgroundColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<DatasetContext> getPointBackgroundColorCallback()
        Returns the point background color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point background color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointBackgroundColor

        public void setPointBackgroundColor​(ColorCallback<DatasetContext> pointBackgroundColorCallback)
        Sets the point background color callback.
        pointBackgroundColorCallback - the point background color callback.
      • setPointBackgroundColor

        public void setPointBackgroundColor​(NativeCallback pointBackgroundColorCallback)
        Sets the point background color callback.
        pointBackgroundColorCallback - the point background color callback.
      • getPointBorderColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<DatasetContext> getPointBorderColorCallback()
        Returns the point border color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point border color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointBorderColor

        public void setPointBorderColor​(ColorCallback<DatasetContext> pointBorderColorCallback)
        Sets the point border color callback.
        pointBorderColorCallback - the point border color callback.
      • setPointBorderColor

        public void setPointBorderColor​(NativeCallback pointBorderColorCallback)
        Sets the point border color callback.
        pointBorderColorCallback - the point border color callback.
      • getPointBorderWidthCallback

        public WidthCallback<DatasetContext> getPointBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the point border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointBorderWidth

        public void setPointBorderWidth​(WidthCallback<DatasetContext> pointBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the point border width callback.
        pointBorderWidthCallback - the point border width callback to set
      • setPointBorderWidth

        public void setPointBorderWidth​(NativeCallback pointBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the point border width callback.
        pointBorderWidthCallback - the point border width callback to set
      • getPointHoverBackgroundColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<DatasetContext> getPointHoverBackgroundColorCallback()
        Returns the point hover background color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point hover background color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setPointHoverBackgroundColor​(ColorCallback<DatasetContext> pointHoverBackgroundColorCallback)
        Sets the point hover background color callback.
        pointHoverBackgroundColorCallback - the point hover background color callback.
      • setPointHoverBackgroundColor

        public void setPointHoverBackgroundColor​(NativeCallback pointHoverBackgroundColorCallback)
        Sets the point hover background color callback.
        pointHoverBackgroundColorCallback - the point hover background color callback.
      • getPointHoverBorderColorCallback

        public ColorCallback<DatasetContext> getPointHoverBorderColorCallback()
        Returns the point hover border color callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point hover border color callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointHoverBorderColor

        public void setPointHoverBorderColor​(ColorCallback<DatasetContext> pointHoverBorderColorCallback)
        Sets the point hover border color callback.
        pointHoverBorderColorCallback - the point hover border color callback.
      • setPointHoverBorderColor

        public void setPointHoverBorderColor​(NativeCallback pointHoverBorderColorCallback)
        Sets the point hover border color callback.
        pointHoverBorderColorCallback - the point hover border color callback.
      • getPointHoverBorderWidthCallback

        public WidthCallback<DatasetContext> getPointHoverBorderWidthCallback()
        Returns the point hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point hover border width callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointHoverBorderWidth

        public void setPointHoverBorderWidth​(WidthCallback<DatasetContext> pointHoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the point hover border width callback.
        pointHoverBorderWidthCallback - the point hover border width callback to set
      • setPointHoverBorderWidth

        public void setPointHoverBorderWidth​(NativeCallback pointHoverBorderWidthCallback)
        Sets the point hover border width callback.
        pointHoverBorderWidthCallback - the point hover border width callback to set
      • getPointRadiusCallback

        public RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> getPointRadiusCallback()
        Returns the point radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointRadius

        public void setPointRadius​(RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> pointRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point radius callback.
        pointRadiusCallback - the point radius callback to set
      • setPointRadius

        public void setPointRadius​(NativeCallback pointRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point radius callback.
        pointRadiusCallback - the point radius callback to set
      • getPointHitRadiusCallback

        public RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> getPointHitRadiusCallback()
        Returns the point hit radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point hit radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointHitRadius

        public void setPointHitRadius​(RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> pointHitRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point hit radius callback.
        pointHitRadiusCallback - the point hit radius callback to set
      • setPointHitRadius

        public void setPointHitRadius​(NativeCallback pointHitRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point hit radius callback.
        pointHitRadiusCallback - the point hit radius callback to set
      • getPointHoverRadiusCallback

        public RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> getPointHoverRadiusCallback()
        Returns the point hover radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point hover radius callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointHoverRadius

        public void setPointHoverRadius​(RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> pointHoverRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point hover radius callback.
        pointHoverRadiusCallback - the point hover radius callback to set
      • setPointHoverRadius

        public void setPointHoverRadius​(NativeCallback pointHoverRadiusCallback)
        Sets the point hover radius callback.
        pointHoverRadiusCallback - the point hover radius callback to set
      • getPointRotationCallback

        public RotationCallback<DatasetContext> getPointRotationCallback()
        Returns the point rotation callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point rotation callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointRotation

        public void setPointRotation​(RotationCallback<DatasetContext> pointRotationCallback)
        Sets the point rotation callback.
        pointRotationCallback - the point rotation callback to set
      • setPointRotation

        public void setPointRotation​(NativeCallback pointRotationCallback)
        Sets the point rotation callback.
        pointRotationCallback - the point rotation callback to set
      • getBorderCapStyleCallback

        public CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderCapStyleCallback()
        Returns the border cap style callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border cap style callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderCapStyle

        public void setBorderCapStyle​(CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> borderCapStyleCallback)
        Sets the border cap style callback.
        borderCapStyleCallback - the border cap style callback.
      • setBorderCapStyle

        public void setBorderCapStyle​(NativeCallback borderCapStyleCallback)
        Sets the border cap style callback.
        borderCapStyleCallback - the border cap style callback.
      • getBorderJoinStyleCallback

        public JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderJoinStyleCallback()
        Returns the border join style callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border join style callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderJoinStyle

        public void setBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> borderJoinStyleCallback)
        Sets the border join style callback.
        borderJoinStyleCallback - the border join style callback.
      • setBorderJoinStyle

        public void setBorderJoinStyle​(NativeCallback borderJoinStyleCallback)
        Sets the border join style callback.
        borderJoinStyleCallback - the border join style callback.
      • getBorderDashCallback

        public BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderDashCallback()
        Returns the border dash callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border dash callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderDash

        public void setBorderDash​(BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> borderDashCallback)
        Sets the border dash callback.
        borderDashCallback - the border dash callback.
      • setBorderDash

        public void setBorderDash​(NativeCallback borderDashCallback)
        Sets the border dash callback.
        borderDashCallback - the border dash callback.
      • getBorderDashOffsetCallback

        public BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> getBorderDashOffsetCallback()
        Returns the border dash offset callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the border dash offset callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setBorderDashOffset

        public void setBorderDashOffset​(BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> borderDashOffsetCallback)
        Sets the border dash offset callback.
        borderDashOffsetCallback - the border dash offset callback.
      • setBorderDashOffset

        public void setBorderDashOffset​(NativeCallback borderDashOffsetCallback)
        Sets the border dash offset callback.
        borderDashOffsetCallback - the border dash offset callback.
      • getHoverBorderCapStyleCallback

        public CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderCapStyleCallback()
        Returns the border cap style callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
        the border cap style callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null
      • setHoverBorderCapStyle

        public void setHoverBorderCapStyle​(CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> borderCapStyleCallback)
        Sets the border cap style callback when element is hovered.
        borderCapStyleCallback - the border cap style callback when element is hovered
      • setHoverBorderCapStyle

        public void setHoverBorderCapStyle​(NativeCallback borderCapStyleCallback)
        Sets the border cap style callback when element is hovered.
        borderCapStyleCallback - the border cap style callback when element is hovered
      • getHoverBorderJoinStyleCallback

        public JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderJoinStyleCallback()
        Returns the border join style callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
        the border join style callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
      • setHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public void setHoverBorderJoinStyle​(JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> borderJoinStyleCallback)
        Sets the border join style callback when element is hovered.
        borderJoinStyleCallback - the border join style callback when element is hovered.
      • setHoverBorderJoinStyle

        public void setHoverBorderJoinStyle​(NativeCallback borderJoinStyleCallback)
        Sets the border join style callback when element is hovered.
        borderJoinStyleCallback - the border join style callback when element is hovered.
      • getHoverBorderDashCallback

        public BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderDashCallback()
        Returns the border dash callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
        the border dash callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
      • setHoverBorderDash

        public void setHoverBorderDash​(BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> borderDashCallback)
        Sets the border dash callback when element is hovered.
        borderDashCallback - the border dash callback when element is hovered.
      • setHoverBorderDash

        public void setHoverBorderDash​(NativeCallback borderDashCallback)
        Sets the border dash callback when element is hovered.
        borderDashCallback - the border dash callback when element is hovered.
      • getHoverBorderDashOffsetCallback

        public BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> getHoverBorderDashOffsetCallback()
        Returns the border dash offset callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
        the border dash offset callback when element is hovered, if set, otherwise null.
      • setHoverBorderDashOffset

        public void setHoverBorderDashOffset​(BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> borderDashOffsetCallback)
        Sets the border dash offset callback when element is hovered.
        borderDashOffsetCallback - the border dash offset callback when element is hovered.
      • setHoverBorderDashOffset

        public void setHoverBorderDashOffset​(NativeCallback borderDashOffsetCallback)
        Sets the border dash offset callback when element is hovered.
        borderDashOffsetCallback - the border dash offset callback when element is hovered.
      • getFillCallback

        public FillCallback getFillCallback()
        Returns the fill callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the fill callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setFill

        public void setFill​(FillCallback fillCallback)
        Sets the fill callback.
        fillCallback - the fill callback.
      • setFill

        public void setFill​(NativeCallback fillCallback)
        Sets the fill callback.
        fillCallback - the fill callback.
      • getDrawActiveElementsOnTopCallback

        public DrawActiveElementsOnTopCallback getDrawActiveElementsOnTopCallback()
        Returns the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
        the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset
      • setDrawActiveElementsOnTop

        public void setDrawActiveElementsOnTop​(DrawActiveElementsOnTopCallback drawActiveElementsOnTopCallback)
        Sets the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
        drawActiveElementsOnTopCallback - the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
      • setDrawActiveElementsOnTop

        public void setDrawActiveElementsOnTop​(NativeCallback drawActiveElementsOnTopCallback)
        Sets the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
        drawActiveElementsOnTopCallback - the callback, if draws the active points of a dataset over the other points of the dataset.
      • getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default background color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBackgroundColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default background color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultBorderColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultBorderColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBorderColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default border color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultBorderWidth

        protected int getDefaultBorderWidth()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border width value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultBorderWidth in class Dataset
        the default border width value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default background color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBackgroundColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default background color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString

        protected String getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border color value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBorderColorAsString in class Dataset
        the default border color value based on type of chart.
      • getDefaultHoverBorderWidth

        protected int getDefaultHoverBorderWidth()
        Description copied from class: Dataset
        Returns the default border width value based on type of chart.
        getDefaultHoverBorderWidth in class Dataset
        the default border width value based on type of chart.
      • setOrder

        public default void setOrder​(int order)
        Sets the drawing order of dataset.
        Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend.
        order - the drawing order of dataset.
      • getOrder

        public default int getOrder()
        Returns the drawing order of dataset.
        Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend.
        the drawing order of dataset
      • setPointStyle

        public default void setPointStyle​(PointStyle... pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point.
        pointStyle - array of the style of the point.
      • getPointStyle

        public default List<PointStyle> getPointStyle()
        Returns the style of the point.
        the style of the point or null if point style is set as image
      • setPointStyle

        public default void setPointStyle​(Img... pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as image.
        pointStyle - image element of the style of the point as image.
      • getPointStyleType

        public default PointStyleType getPointStyleType()
        Returns the type of point style.
        the type of point style
      • getPointStyleAsImages

        public default List<Img> getPointStyleAsImages()
        Returns the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not an image, returns null.
        image of the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not a image, returns null.
      • setPointStyle

        public default void setPointStyle​(Canvas... pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as canvas.
        pointStyle - canvas element of the style of the point as canvas.
      • getPointStyleAsCanvas

        public default List<Canvas> getPointStyleAsCanvas()
        Returns the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not an canvas, returns null.
        image of the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not a canvas, returns null.
      • getPointStyleCallback

        public default PointStyleCallback<DatasetContext> getPointStyleCallback()
        Returns the point style callback, if set, otherwise null.
        the point style callback, if set, otherwise null.
      • setPointStyle

        public default void setPointStyle​(PointStyleCallback<DatasetContext> pointStyleCallback)
        Sets the point style callback.
        pointStyleCallback - the point style callback.