Class Interaction

    • Method Detail

      • setAxis

        public final void setAxis​(InteractionAxis axis)
        Sets which directions are used in calculating distances.
        axis - define which directions are used in calculating distances.
      • getAxis

        public final InteractionAxis getAxis()
        Returns which directions are used in calculating distances.
        Specified by:
        getAxis in interface IsDefaultInteraction
        define which directions are used in calculating distances.
      • setMode

        public final void setMode​(InteractionMode mode)
        Sets which elements appear in the tooltip.
        mode - which elements appear in the tooltip.
      • getMode

        public final InteractionMode getMode()
        Returns which elements appear in the tooltip.
        which elements appear in the tooltip.
      • setIntersect

        public final void setIntersect​(boolean intersect)
        if true, the hover mode only applies when the mouse position intersects an item on the chart.
        intersect - if true, the hover mode only applies when the mouse position intersects an item on the chart.
      • isIntersect

        public final boolean isIntersect()
        if true, the hover mode only applies when the mouse position intersects an item on the chart.
        if true, the hover mode only applies when the mouse position intersects an item on the chart.