Class Zoom

  • public final class Zoom
    extends AbstractConfigurationItem
    Base object to map zoom options for ZoomPlugin.ID plugin configuration.
    It represents the container for ZOOM options.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • getWheel

        public Wheel getWheel()
        Returns the wheel-to-zoom effect.
        the wheel-to-zoom effect
      • getDrag

        public Drag getDrag()
        Returns the drag-to-zoom effect.
        the drag-to-zoom effect
      • getPinch

        public Pinch getPinch()
        Returns the pinch-to-zoom effect.
        the pinch-to-zoom effect
      • getMode

        public default Mode getMode()
        Returns the element (panning or zooming) directions.
        the element (panning or zooming) directions
      • getOverScaleMode

        public default Mode getOverScaleMode()
        Returns which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over one of scale.
        which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over one of scale
      • getModeCallback

        public default ModeCallback getModeCallback()
        Returns the element (panning or zooming) directions callback, to set the mode at runtime.
        the element (panning or zooming) directions callback
      • getOverScaleModeCallback

        public default ModeCallback getOverScaleModeCallback()
        Returns the element (panning or zooming) directions callback, to set the mode at runtime, which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over one of scale
        the element (panning or zooming) directions callback
      • getProgressCallback

        public default ProgressCallback getProgressCallback()
        Returns the callback called while the user is zooming or panning.
        the callback called while the user is zooming or panning
      • getCompletedCallback

        public default CompletedCallback getCompletedCallback()
        Returns the callback called once zooming or panning is completed.
        the callback called once zooming or panning is completed
      • getRejectedCallback

        public default RejectedCallback getRejectedCallback()
        Returns the callback called once zooming or panning is rejected.
        the callback called once zooming or panning is rejected
      • getStartCallback

        public default StartCallback getStartCallback()
        Returns the callback called once zooming or panning is started.
        the callback called once zooming or panning is started