Interface HtmlLegendCallback<T extends HasLegendText>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of legend element which contains the text
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    HtmlLegendItemCallback, HtmlLegendTitleCallback

    public interface HtmlLegendCallback<T extends HasLegendText>
    This callback is the base interface for HTML legend callbacks to change the text of legend for a specific item or legend's title, as HTML.
    This callback is used ONLY by HtmlLegend plugin.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • generateText

        SafeHtml generateText​(IsChart chart,
                              T item,
                              String currentText)
        Returns a text of legend for a specific item or legend's title, as HTML
        chart - chart instance
        item - item which represents the text to create
        currentText - current text provided by legend labels callback.
        HTML legend representation as SafeHTML