Class CallbackPropertyHandler<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of callback

    public final class CallbackPropertyHandler<T>
    extends Object
    It is managing property where can set a callback.
    It uses a cache in order to be able to use the callback even if defined at default or chart options level, both for chart or plugin options.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Constructor Detail

      • CallbackPropertyHandler

        public CallbackPropertyHandler​(Key property)
        Creates the object storing the property key to manage.
        property - the property key to manage
    • Method Detail

      • getProperty

        public Key getProperty()
        Returns the property key to manage
        the property key to manage
      • getHashCodeProperty

        public Key getHashCodeProperty()
        Returns the property key used to store the class name plus hash code, as key of callback instance in the cache.
        the property key used to store the class name plus hash code, as key of callback instance in the cache
      • setCallback

        public void setCallback​(NativeObjectContainer container,
                                String scope,
                                T callback,
                                CallbackProxy.Proxy proxy)
        Stores the callback in the cache, storing the proxy function and the hash code property key (unique id of callback) in the native object.
        container - container instance of native object to use to store the properties
        scope - the scope of callback, could be the default, chart type options, chart options, plugin objects, data sets
        callback - the java callback instance to cache
        proxy - the proxy java script function to store in the native object
      • setCallback

        public void setCallback​(AbstractNode container,
                                String scope,
                                T callback,
                                CallbackProxy.Proxy proxy)
        Stores the callback in the cache, storing the proxy function and the hash code property key (unique id of callback) in the native object.
        container - container instance of native object to use to store the properties
        scope - the scope of callback, could be the default, chart type options, chart options, plugin objects, data sets
        callback - the java callback instance to cache
        proxy - the proxy java script function to store in the native object
      • getCallback

        public T getCallback​(NativeObjectContainer container)
        Returns the callback stored in the native object or null if not exists.
        container - container instance of native object to use to get the unique key to retrieve the callback from cache
        the callback stored in the native object or null if not exists
      • getCallback

        public T getCallback​(NativeObjectContainer container,
                             T defaultValue)
        Returns the callback stored in the native object or the default value passed as argument, if not exists.
        container - container instance of native object to use to get the unique key to retrieve the callback from cache
        defaultValue - default value to return if the callback does not exist
        the callback stored in the native object or the default value passed as argument, if not exists
      • removeChartScope

        public boolean removeChartScope​(String scope)
        Called by CallbackPropertyManager when a chart is destroy in order to remove the scope (and then the callback if needed) from cache.
        scope - the scope of the callback, is chart id
        true if this callback handler has got 1 or more scope related to charts.