Class NativeObjectContainer

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected NativeObjectContainer()
      Creates the object with an empty native object instance.
      protected NativeObjectContainer​(NativeObject nativeObject)
      Creates the object with native object instance to be wrapped.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected <T> T checkDefaultValuesArgument​(T defaultValues)
      Checks if the argument, which is assuming is a default values instance, is consistent.
      If not, throws IllegalArgumentException.
      protected boolean empty()
      Returns true if there is at least a property, otherwise false.
      protected <T extends Array>
      getArrayValue​(Key key)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected BaseHtmlElement getElement​(Key key)
      Returns a value (BaseHtmlElement) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected String getIncrementalId()
      Returns the incremental id of the object.
      protected Chart getNativeChart​(Key key)
      Returns a value (chart) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected NativeBaseEvent getNativeEvent​(Key key)
      Returns a value (native event) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected NativeObject getNativeObject()
      Returns the native object instance.
      protected NativeObject getValue​(Key key)
      Returns a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected boolean getValue​(Key key, boolean defaultValue)
      Returns a value (boolean) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected double getValue​(Key key, double defaultValue)
      Returns a value (double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected int getValue​(Key key, int defaultValue)
      Returns a value (int) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected String getValue​(Key key, String defaultValue)
      Returns a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected Date getValue​(Key key, Date defaultValue)
      Returns a value (date) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected String getValue​(Key key, Key defaultValue)
      Returns a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected Canvas getValue​(Key key, Canvas defaultValue)
      Returns a value (canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected CanvasGradientItem getValue​(Key key, CanvasGradientItem defaultValue)
      Returns a value (gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected CanvasPatternItem getValue​(Key key, CanvasPatternItem defaultValue)
      Returns a value (pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected Img getValue​(Key key, Img defaultValue)
      Returns a value (image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected ScaleId getValue​(Key key, ScaleId defaultValue)
      Returns a value (ScaleId) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected <T extends Key>
      getValue​(Key key, T[] enumValues, T defaultValue)
      Returns a value (key) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected double getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key, double defaultsValue)
      Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a NUMBER.
      protected String getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key, String defaultsValue)
      Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a STRING.
      protected Date getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key, Date defaultsValue)
      Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a OBJECT (as a date).
      protected ArrayDouble getValueOrArray​(Key key, double defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a double.
      protected ArrayInteger getValueOrArray​(Key key, int defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a integer.
      protected ArrayString getValueOrArray​(Key key, String defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
      protected ArrayString getValueOrArray​(Key key, Key defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a key.
      protected ArrayCanvas getValueOrArray​(Key key, Canvas defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a canvas.
      protected ArrayGradient getValueOrArray​(Key key, CanvasGradientItem defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a gradient.
      protected ArrayPattern getValueOrArray​(Key key, CanvasPatternItem defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a pattern.
      protected ArrayImage getValueOrArray​(Key key, Img defaultValue)
      Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
      protected boolean has​(Key key)
      Returns true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at specific property.
      protected boolean has​(Key... keys)
      Returns true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at all properties.
      boolean isType​(Key key, ObjectType... types)
      Returns true if the type of the property is equals to one of the object types passed as argument.
      protected List<Key> keys()
      Returns the list of properties names of the object.
      ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> loadNativeObject​(ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> envelop)
      Returns the native object instance inside an envelop.
      It can be called only from org.pepstock.charba.client package.
      protected void remove​(Key key)
      Removes an element (by key) from the embedded JavaScript object.
      protected void remove​(Key... keys)
      Removes a set of elements (by keys) from the embedded JavaScript object.
      protected void setArrayValue​(Key key, ArrayDoubleArrayList<?> container)
      Sets a value (Array from a double array container list) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setArrayValue​(Key key, ArrayObjectContainerList<?> container)
      Sets a value (Array from a container list) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected <T extends Array>
      setArrayValue​(Key key, T value)
      Sets a value (Array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setElement​(Key key, BaseHtmlElement value)
      Sets a value (BaseHtmlElement) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setEmptyValue​(Key key)
      Sets a value (an empty JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setNewIncrementalId()
      Stores new incremental id if not previously stored.
      protected void setNewIncrementalId​(String prefix)
      Stores new incremental id if not previously stored.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, boolean value)
      Sets a value (boolean) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, double value)
      Sets a value (double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, int value)
      Sets a value (int) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, String value)
      Sets a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, Date value)
      Sets a value (date) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeCallback value)
      Sets a value (native callback function) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, Chart value)
      Sets a value (chart) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, CallbackProxy.Proxy value)
      Sets a value (callback proxy function) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeArrayContainer<?> value)
      Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property by array container.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeObject value)
      Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeObjectContainer value)
      Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property by object container.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, Canvas value)
      Sets a value (canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, CanvasGradientItem value)
      Sets a value (gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, CanvasPatternItem value)
      Sets a value (pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, Img value)
      Sets a value (image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeBaseEvent value)
      Sets a value (event) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValue​(Key key, NativeHook value)
      Sets a value (native hook function for plugin) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected <T extends Key>
      setValue​(Key key, T value)
      Sets a value (EnumValue) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, double... values)
      Sets a value (Array or double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a double.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, int... values)
      Sets a value (Array or integer) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a integer.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, String... values)
      Sets a value (Array or string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, IsColor... values)
      Sets a value (Array or string by colors) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, Key... values)
      Sets a value (Array or string by keys) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, NativeObjectContainer... values)
      Sets a value (array or native object container) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a native object container.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, Canvas... values)
      Sets a value (array or canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, CanvasGradientItem... values)
      Sets a value (Array or gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a gradient.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, CanvasPatternItem... values)
      Sets a value (Array or pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a pattern.
      protected void setValueOrArray​(Key key, Img... values)
      Sets a value (array or image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
      This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
      String toJSON()
      Returns the string JSON representation of the object.
      protected ObjectType type​(Key key)
      Returns the java script type of the property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeObjectContainer

        protected NativeObjectContainer()
        Creates the object with an empty native object instance.
      • NativeObjectContainer

        protected NativeObjectContainer​(NativeObject nativeObject)
        Creates the object with native object instance to be wrapped.
        nativeObject - native object instance to be wrapped.
    • Method Detail

      • checkDefaultValuesArgument

        protected final <T> T checkDefaultValuesArgument​(T defaultValues)
        Checks if the argument, which is assuming is a default values instance, is consistent.
        If not, throws IllegalArgumentException.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of default argument
        defaultValues - default values instance to check
        the same instance passed as argument
      • getNativeObject

        protected final NativeObject getNativeObject()
        Returns the native object instance.
        the native object instance.
      • loadNativeObject

        public final ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> loadNativeObject​(ChartEnvelop<NativeObject> envelop)
        Returns the native object instance inside an envelop.
        It can be called only from org.pepstock.charba.client package.
        envelop - envelop instance which will contain the native object
        the envelop, passed as argument, loaded with the native object
      • toJSON

        public final String toJSON()
        Returns the string JSON representation of the object.
        the string JSON representation of the object.
      • empty

        protected final boolean empty()
        Returns true if there is at least a property, otherwise false.
        true if there is at least a property, otherwise false.
      • has

        protected final boolean has​(Key key)
        Returns true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at specific property
      • has

        protected final boolean has​(Key... keys)
        Returns true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at all properties.
        keys - set of keys of the properties of JavaScript object.
        true if the embedded JavaScript object contains an element at all properties.
      • keys

        protected final List<Key> keys()
        Returns the list of properties names of the object.
        the list of properties names of the object.
      • type

        protected final ObjectType type​(Key key)
        Returns the java script type of the property.
        key - name of the java script property.
        the java script type of the property.
      • isType

        public final boolean isType​(Key key,
                                    ObjectType... types)
        Returns true if the type of the property is equals to one of the object types passed as argument.
        key - name of the java script property.
        types - types to check against the type of the property.
        the java script type of the property.
      • remove

        protected final void remove​(Key key)
        Removes an element (by key) from the embedded JavaScript object.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
      • remove

        protected final void remove​(Key... keys)
        Removes a set of elements (by keys) from the embedded JavaScript object.
        keys - set of keys of the properties of JavaScript object.
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      int value)
        Sets a value (int) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final int getValue​(Key key,
                                     int defaultValue)
        Returns a value (int) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             int... values)
        Sets a value (Array or integer) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a integer.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - values of integers to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayInteger getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                     int defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a integer.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single number value
        value of the property (by array)
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      double value)
        Sets a value (double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final double getValue​(Key key,
                                        double defaultValue)
        Returns a value (double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             double... values)
        Sets a value (Array or double) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a double.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - values of doubles to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayDouble getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                    double defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a double.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single number value
        value of the property (by array)
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      boolean value)
        Sets a value (boolean) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final boolean getValue​(Key key,
                                         boolean defaultValue)
        Returns a value (boolean) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • getValue

        protected final String getValue​(Key key,
                                        String defaultValue)
        Returns a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      String value)
        Sets a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             String... values)
        Sets a value (Array or string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - values of strings to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayString getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                    String defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single string value
        value of the property (by array)
      • getValue

        protected final Date getValue​(Key key,
                                      Date defaultValue)
        Returns a value (date) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      Date value)
        Sets a value (date) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final NativeObject getValue​(Key key)
        Returns a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value of the property or null if not there
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeObject value)
        Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setEmptyValue

        protected final void setEmptyValue​(Key key)
        Sets a value (an empty JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeObjectContainer value)
        Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property by object container.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             NativeObjectContainer... values)
        Sets a value (array or native object container) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a native object container.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - native object containers to be set
      • setArrayValue

        protected final void setArrayValue​(Key key,
                                           ArrayObjectContainerList<?> container)
        Sets a value (Array from a container list) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        container - container of array
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeArrayContainer<?> value)
        Sets a value (JavaScript Object) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property by array container.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setArrayValue

        protected final void setArrayValue​(Key key,
                                           ArrayDoubleArrayList<?> container)
        Sets a value (Array from a double array container list) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        container - container of array of doubles
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      CallbackProxy.Proxy value)
        Sets a value (callback proxy function) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeCallback value)
        Sets a value (native callback function) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeHook value)
        Sets a value (native hook function for plugin) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final Canvas getValue​(Key key,
                                        Canvas defaultValue)
        Returns a value (canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      Canvas value)
        Sets a value (canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             Canvas... values)
        Sets a value (array or canvas) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - images to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayCanvas getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                    Canvas defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a canvas.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single canvas value
        value of the property (by array)
      • getValue

        protected final Img getValue​(Key key,
                                     Img defaultValue)
        Returns a value (image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      Img value)
        Sets a value (image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             Img... values)
        Sets a value (array or image) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - images to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayImage getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                   Img defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a image.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single image value
        value of the property (by array)
      • getValue

        protected final CanvasGradientItem getValue​(Key key,
                                                    CanvasGradientItem defaultValue)
        Returns a value (gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      CanvasGradientItem value)
        Sets a value (gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             CanvasGradientItem... values)
        Sets a value (Array or gradient) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a gradient.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - gradients to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayGradient getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                      CanvasGradientItem defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a gradient.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single gradient value
        value of the property (by array) or an empty array if not exist
      • getValue

        protected final CanvasPatternItem getValue​(Key key,
                                                   CanvasPatternItem defaultValue)
        Returns a value (pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      CanvasPatternItem value)
        Sets a value (pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             CanvasPatternItem... values)
        Sets a value (Array or pattern) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a pattern.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - patterns to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayPattern getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                     CanvasPatternItem defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a pattern.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single pattern value
        value of the property (by array)
      • getValue

        protected final String getValue​(Key key,
                                        Key defaultValue)
        Returns a value (string) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value as key if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final <T extends Key> void setValue​(Key key,
                                                      T value)
        Sets a value (EnumValue) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of key
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getValue

        protected final ScaleId getValue​(Key key,
                                         ScaleId defaultValue)
        Returns a value (ScaleId) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value as key if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • getValue

        protected final <T extends Key> T getValue​(Key key,
                                                   T[] enumValues,
                                                   T defaultValue)
        Returns a value (key) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of key
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        enumValues - all enumeration values
        defaultValue - default value if the property is missing
        value of the property
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             Key... values)
        Sets a value (Array or string by keys) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - value of keys to be set
      • getValueOrArray

        protected final ArrayString getValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                                    Key defaultValue)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a key.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        defaultValue - default value if the value was stored as single key value
        value of the property (by array) or null if not exist
      • getArrayValue

        protected final <T extends Array> T getArrayValue​(Key key)
        Returns a value (array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of array
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value of the property or null if not exist
      • setArrayValue

        protected final <T extends Array> void setArrayValue​(Key key,
                                                             T value)
        Sets a value (Array) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of array
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • setValueOrArray

        protected final void setValueOrArray​(Key key,
                                             IsColor... values)
        Sets a value (Array or string by colors) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        This must be used when a java script property can contain an array or a string.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        values - values of colors to be set
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      Chart value)
        Sets a value (chart) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getNativeChart

        protected final Chart getNativeChart​(Key key)
        Returns a value (chart) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value of the property
      • setElement

        protected final void setElement​(Key key,
                                        BaseHtmlElement value)
        Sets a value (BaseHtmlElement) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getElement

        protected final BaseHtmlElement getElement​(Key key)
        Returns a value (BaseHtmlElement) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value of the property
      • setValue

        protected final void setValue​(Key key,
                                      NativeBaseEvent value)
        Sets a value (event) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value - value to be set
      • getNativeEvent

        protected final NativeBaseEvent getNativeEvent​(Key key)
        Returns a value (native event) in the embedded JavaScript object at specific property.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object.
        value of the property
      • getValueForMultipleKeyTypes

        protected final String getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key,
                                                           String defaultsValue)
        Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a STRING.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object
        defaultsValue - default value if the value was stored as single key value
        value of the property
      • getValueForMultipleKeyTypes

        protected final double getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key,
                                                           double defaultsValue)
        Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a NUMBER.
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object
        defaultsValue - default value if the value was stored as single key value
        value of the property
      • getValueForMultipleKeyTypes

        protected final Date getValueForMultipleKeyTypes​(Key key,
                                                         Date defaultsValue)
        Returns the value of a property checking if the type of current value is a OBJECT (as a date).
        key - key of the property of JavaScript object
        defaultsValue - default value if the value was stored as single key value
        value of the property
      • setNewIncrementalId

        protected final void setNewIncrementalId()
        Stores new incremental id if not previously stored.
      • setNewIncrementalId

        protected final void setNewIncrementalId​(String prefix)
        Stores new incremental id if not previously stored.
        prefix - prefix to add to the value of incremental id.
      • getIncrementalId

        protected final String getIncrementalId()
        Returns the incremental id of the object.
        the incremental id of the object.