Class PointElementOptions

  • public class PointElementOptions
    extends CommonElementOptions
    Maps the out-of-the-box CHART.JS element options used to represents points on the charts.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultBorderWidth

        protected int getDefaultBorderWidth()
        Description copied from class: CommonElementOptions
        This method must be overrided by all element where the border width is stored in different object.
        getDefaultBorderWidth in class CommonElementOptions
        an undefined integer
      • getRadius

        public double getRadius()
        Returns the radius of the point.
        the radius of the point
      • getHitRadius

        public double getHitRadius()
        Returns the pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events.
        the pixel size of the non-displayed point.
      • getHoverRadius

        public double getHoverRadius()
        Returns the radius of the point when hovered.
        the radius of the point when hovered.
      • getHoverBorderWidth

        public int getHoverBorderWidth()
        Returns the border width of point when hovered.
        the border width of point when hovered.
      • getRotation

        public double getRotation()
        Returns the point rotation (in degrees).
        the point rotation (in degrees).
      • getPointStyleType

        public PointStyleType getPointStyleType()
        Returns the type of point style.
        the type of point style
      • getPointStyleAsImage

        public Img getPointStyleAsImage()
        Returns the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not an image, returns null.
        image of the style of the point as image.
        If property is missing or not a image, returns null.
      • getPointStyleAsCanvas

        public Canvas getPointStyleAsCanvas()
        Returns the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not an canvas, returns null.
        canvas of the style of the point as canvas.
        If property is missing or not a canvas, returns null.
      • getPointStyle

        public PointStyle getPointStyle()
        Returns the style of the point.
        the style of the point
      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(double radius)
        Sets the radius of the point shape.
        If set to 0, the point is not rendered.
        radius - array of the radius of the point shape.
      • setHitRadius

        public void setHitRadius​(double hitRadius)
        Sets the pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events.
        hitRadius - the pixel size of the non-displayed point.
      • setHoverRadius

        public void setHoverRadius​(double hoverRadius)
        Sets the radius of the point when hovered.
        hoverRadius - the radius of the point when hovered.
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(double rotation)
        Sets the point rotation (in degrees).
        rotation - the point rotation (in degrees).
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(PointStyle pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point.
        pointStyle - array of the style of the point.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Img pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as image.
        pointStyle - image element of the style of the point as image.
      • setPointStyle

        public void setPointStyle​(Canvas pointStyle)
        Sets the style of the point as canvas.
        pointStyle - canvas element of the style of the point as canvas.
      • setHoverBorderWidth

        public void setHoverBorderWidth​(int borderWidth)
        Sets the border width of point when hovered.
        borderWidth - the border width of point when hovered.