Class BaseEnvelop<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of envelop content.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ChartEnvelop, PluginsEnvelop

    public abstract class BaseEnvelop<T>
    extends ImmutableEnvelop<T>
    This object is a container of hidden object.
    Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseEnvelop

        protected BaseEnvelop()
        Create an envelop with a null content.
      • BaseEnvelop

        protected BaseEnvelop​(boolean nullable)
        Create an envelop with a null content and a flag to set if the content can be nullable.
        nullable - if true, the content can be null
      • BaseEnvelop

        protected BaseEnvelop​(T content)
        Create an envelop with the content passed as argument.
        content - content to set as initial value
      • BaseEnvelop

        protected BaseEnvelop​(T content,
                              boolean nullable)
        Create an envelop with the content passed as argument and a flag to set if the content can be nullable.
        content - content to set as initial value
        nullable - if true, the content can be null
    • Method Detail

      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(T content)
        Stores the content of envelop.
        content - the content of envelop to store