Controllers are able to extend existing chart types or creating new one implementing a specific interface. Leveraging on Chart.JS implementation, Charba provides the features to extend a controller.

Chart.JS controller provides as set of hooks to create an own controller but you should implement all internal structure which is not fully documented and depends on each implementation.
For this reason, Charba provides the interfaces to create controllers ONLY extending existing chart types.
Creating a controller
To create own chart type, you need to perform some specific and mandatory steps:
- create a controller type
- implement the controller interface where all hooks are defined
- extend the dataset class of the original chart type
- extend the chart class of the original chart type
Creating a controller type
Controllers must define a unique id in order to be configurable.
This id should follow the name convention (otherwise an illegal argument exception will be thrown):
- can not start with a dot or an underscore
- can not contain any non-URL-safe characters
The controller type is an entity which must be implemented for every controller you want to implement. A controller type implements Type interface like all other chart types available out-of-the-box.
Here are the way how to create a controller type:
// creates a chart extending the existing chart LINE
ControllerType myLine = new ControllerType("myline", ChartType.LINE, new ControllerProvider(){
public Controller provide(ControllerType controllerType){
// creates an instance of my controller
return myController;
The controller type constructor is getting a controller provider instance as argument in order to provide the controller during the registration.
The controller is usually automatically registered in Chart.JS when used. Anyway the controller type object is providing the method to register the controller programmatically in Chart.JS:
// registers the controller in CHART.JS
You can also be notified when and if the registration of the controller ended correctly. This is done by the implementation of ControllerRegistrationHandler interface to set during the controller type creation.
// creates a chart extending the existing chart LINE
ControllerType myLine = new ControllerType("myline", ChartType.LINE, myControllerProvider,
new ControllerRegistrationHandler {
* Invoked before the controller will be register to CHART.JS.
* @param controllerType the controller type which is registering
public void onBeforeRegister(ControllerType controllerType) {
// invoked before registration
* Invoked after the controller is registered to CHART.JS.
* @param controllerType the controller type which is registering
* @param registered true if the controller has been registered otherwise false
public void onAfterRegister(ControllerType controllerType, boolean registered) {
// invoked after registration
// with the status, if was registered or not.
A controller must implement the Controller interface which is containing all hooks which will be invoked during the whole chart life cycle.
The interface provides before and after hooks for each phases exposes by Chart.JS controller:
Every controller is initialized every time new chart instance is creating.
The following hooks (the following ones are the methods definitions in the Controller) can be used to initialize the chart:
* Called before it initializes the controller.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onBeforeInitialize(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
* Called after it initializes the controller.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onAfterInitialize(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
The initialization process is documented in the flowchart below.

Every controller can be rendered after initialization and every time that the chart instance will be updated or rendered.
They are 4 main phases:
- Linking of scale ensures that the data set represented by a controller is linked to a scale.
* Called before it ensures that the data set represented by a controller is linked to a scale.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onBeforeLinkScales(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
* Called after it ensures that the data set represented by a controller is linked to a scale.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onAfterLinkScales(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
- Parsing the data into the controller meta data.
* Called before it invokes to parse the data into the controller meta data.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
* @param start start index of metadata
* @param count count of metadata
default void onBeforeParse(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart, int start, int count) {
// do nothing
* Called after it invokes to parse the data into the controller meta data.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
* @param start start index of metadata
* @param count count of metadata
default void onAfterParse(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart, int start, int count) {
// do nothing
- Updating the elements in response to new data.
* Called before it updates the elements in response to new data.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
* @param mode update mode
default void onBeforeUpdate(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart, TransitionKey mode) {
// do nothing
* Called after it updates the elements in response to new data.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
* @param mode update mode
default void onAfterUpdate(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart, TransitionKey mode) {
// do nothing
- Drawing the representation of the data set.
* Called before it draws the representation of the data set.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onBeforeDraw(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
* Called after it draws the representation of the data set.
* @param context context of controller
* @param chart chart instance
default void onAfterDraw(ControllerContext context, IsChart chart) {
// do nothing
The rendering process is documented in the flowchart below.

Implementing a controller
The easy way to implement a controller is to extends the AbstractController class and pass the controller type by the constructor.
// new controller
public class MyHorizontalBarController extends AbstractController {
// controller type
public static final ControllerType TYPE = new ControllerType("myHorizontalBar",
controllerType) -> new MyHorizontalBarController());
// constructor
public MyHorizontalBarController() {
Extending existing dataset
To use new controller in Charba, you need to implement a dataset object extending the dataset class of your original chart type of the controller.
This is mandatory because Chart.JS needs to manage the different types of datasets.
See the following example:
// extends the horizontal bar dataset
public final class MyHorizontalBarDataset extends HorizontalBarDataset {
// extends the constructor of the horizontal bar dataset
public MyHorizontalBarDataset(){
super(MyHorizontalBarController.TYPE, Dataset.DEFAULT_HIDDEN);
Extending existing chart
To use new controller in Charba, you need to implement a chart object extending the chart class of your original chart type of the controller.
See the following example:
// extends the horizontal bar chart
public class MyHorizontalBarChart extends HorizontalBarChart{
// extends the constructor of the horizontal bar chart
public MyHorizontalBarChart(){
public MyHorizontalBarDataset newDataset(){
return new MyHorizontalBarDataset();
public MyHorizontalBarDataset newDataset(boolean hidden){
return new MyHorizontalBarDataset();
You can not set new properties for the controller options in the global or chart type default, only at chart instance.
A simple example
The usage of a controller is to extend an existing chart and change the behavior of it.
The controller is implementing the behavior but you should extend the current chart (for instance line) extending line chart.

Here is an example.
// -----------------------------------------
// Creates the chart class of "myLine" chart
// -----------------------------------------
// extends the line chart
public class MyLineChart extends LineChart {
// -----------------------------------------
// Creates the "myLine" controller type
// -----------------------------------------
public static final ControllerType TYPE = new ControllerType("myLine", ChartType.LINE,
new ControllerProvider(){
public Controller provide(ControllerType controllerType){
// -----------------------------------------
// Creates the "myLine" controller
// -----------------------------------------
return new AbstractController(){
public ControllerType getType(){
return MyLineChart.TYPE;
public void draw(ControllerContext jsThis, IsChart chart){
super.draw(jsThis, chart);
DatasetItem item = chart.getDatasetItem(jsThis.getIndex());
List<DatasetElement> elements = item.getElements();
for (DatasetElement elem : elements){
Context2dItem ctx = chart.getCanvas().getContext2d();;
ctx.strokeRect(elem.getX() - 10, elem.getY() - 10, 20, 20);
public MyLineChart(){
public MyLineDataset newDataset(){
return newDataset(false);
public MyLineDataset newDataset(boolean hidden){
return new MyLineDataset();
// -----------------------------------------
// Creates the dataset class of "myLine" chart
// -----------------------------------------
public final class MyLineDataset extends LineDataset {
public MyLineDataset(){
super(MyLineChart.TYPE, Dataset.DEFAULT_HIDDEN);
// -----------------------------------------
// Registers "myLine" controller
// -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------
// Creates "myLine" chart
// -----------------------------------------
// creates the chart
MyLineChart chart = new MyLineChart();
// creates the dataset
MyLineDataset dataset = chart.newDataset();
dataset.setLabel("dataset 1");
// add to DOM by Elemental 2