My first chart
It's easy to get started with Charba.
In this example, we create a bar chart with a single dataset.
// enabling Charba
BarChart chart = new BarChart();
// for GWT widget
// BarChartWidget chart = new BarChartWidget();
chart.getOptions().getTitle().setText("My first chart");
BarDataset dataset = chart.newDataset();
dataset.setLabel("dataset 1");
dataset.setData(20, 5, 40, 35, 50, 70, 80);
chart.getData().setLabels("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July");
// add to DOM by Elemental 2
// add to DOM for GWT widget
// RootPanel.get().add(chart);

Javascript resources
Charba injects javascript resources, in order to have a self-consistent package without any dependencies with other configuration (for instance in the HTML page of application).
Injecting javascript resources, the application could be pretty big, mainly due to Chart.JS minified file that is more than 200 KB of size.
Therefore, as of version 2.3, Charba forces the user to define which kind of resources must be applied to own project, before starting using Charba. That means before calling whatever Charba API, the resource to use to inject Chart.JS must be set, otherwise an exception will occur.
Charba injects also the Luxon and the specific adapter in order to enable the Chart.JS time and time series axes feature.
Embedded resources
An embedded resource contains the javascript code to inject inside a specific class and, when invoked, it will inject the code in the DOM tree.
To initialize Charba using the embedded resources, you must set enable Charba (and that's mandatory), as following:
// with date time library, Luxon
// or without date time library, Luxon
There are 2 different embedded resources
instances depending on if Luxon, as date time library, has to be injected or not.
injects Chart.JS javascript file, Luxon and the specific date adapter.Charba.enable(false)
injects Chart.JS javascript file and the specific date adapter. Luxon is not injected in order to leave the user to use another instance of Luxon because, for instance, it could be already in use for other purposes.
The javascript utilities and the toast can be used even if the Charba.enable is not called because they don't depend on CHART.JS.
Deferred resources
The deferred resources can be used ONLY in GWT Web Toolkit projects.
A deferred resource contains the javascript code to inject by GWT ClientBundle and it will be injected in the DOM tree by DeferredCharba.
For users who wants to leverage on asynchronously loading of Chart.JS module, date time library and adapter or want to leverage on GWT code splitting, they should use the deferred resources and start using Charba inside the callback of successfully load of needed resources.
To initialize Charba using the deferred resources, you must set enable Charba (and that's mandatory), as following:
GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback(){
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable){
Window.alert("Code download failed");
public void onSuccess(){
// with date time library, Luxon
DeferredCharba.enable(() -> {
// UI creation and starting point to invoke CHARBA API
// without date time library, Luxon
//DeferredCharba.enable(() -> {
// // UI creation and starting point to invoke CHARBA API
//}, false);
There are 2 different deferred resources
instances depending on if Luxon, as date time library, has to be injected or not:
injects Chart.JS javascript file, Luxon and the specific date adapter.DeferredCharba.enable(Runnable, false)
injects Chart.JS javascript file and the specific date adapter. Luxon is not injected in order to leave the user to use another instance of Luxon because, for instance, it could be already in use for other purposes.
The javascript utilities and the toast can be used even if the DeferredCharba.enable is not called because they don't depend on CHART.JS.