Stacked Area chart
A stacked area chart is a way of plotting data points on a filled line. Often, it is used to show trend data, or the comparison of two data sets.

Programmatically, you could use a stacked area chart as following:
// creates the chart
StackedAreaChart chart = new StackedAreaChart();
// adds to DOM
// example for Elemental2
// gets the chart instance as DOM element
Element element = chart.getChartElement().as();
// adds to DOM
By UIBinder (ONLY for GWT), you could use a stacked area chart as following:
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
<g:HTMLPanel width="100%">
<c:StackedAreaChartWidget ui:field="chart"/>
The stacked area chart allows a number of properties to be specified for each stacked area dataset. These are used to set display properties for a specific dataset.
Every chart has got a method to create a typed dataset accordingly with the chart type. The dataset can be also created instantiating the constructor.
// creates the chart
StackedAreaChart chart = new StackedAreaChart();
// creates the dataset
StackedAreaDataset dataset = chart.newDataset();
// sets the option
// creates the dataset
StackedAreaDataset datasetNew = new StackedAreaDataset();
// sets the option
// sets the datasets to the chart
chart.getData().setDatasets(dataset, datasetNew);
The following are the attributes that you can set:
Name | Type | Scriptable | Description |
backgroundColor | String - IsColor - Pattern - Gradient | Yes | The fill color/pattern under the line. |
borderCapStyle | CapStyle | Yes | Cap style of the line. See MDN. |
borderColor | String - IsColor - Gradient | Yes | The color of the line. |
borderDash | int[] | Yes | Length and spacing of dashes. See MDN. |
borderDashOffset | double | Yes | Offset for line dashes. See MDN. |
borderJoinStyle | JoinStyle | Yes | Line joint style. See MDN. |
borderWidth | int | Yes | The width of the line in pixels. |
cubicInterpolationMode | CubicInterpolationMode | Yes | Algorithm used to interpolate a smooth curve from the discrete data points. |
clip | boolean - double - Clip | - | How to clip relative to chart area. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chart area. |
hoverBackgroundColor | String - IsColor - Pattern - Gradient | Yes | The fill color/pattern under the line, when hovered. |
hoverBorderCapStyle | CapStyle | Yes | Cap style of the line, when hovered. See MDN. |
hoverBorderColor | String - IsColor - Gradient | Yes | The color of the line, when hovered. |
hoverBorderDash | int[] | Yes | Length and spacing of dashes, when hovered. See MDN. |
hoverBorderDashOffset | int | Yes | Offset for line dashes, when hovered. See MDN. |
hoverBorderJoinStyle | JoinStyle | Yes | Line joint style, when hovered. See MDN. |
hoverBorderWidth | int | Yes | The width of the line in pixels, when hovered. |
indexAxis | IndexAxis | - | The base axis of the dataset. 'IndexAxis.X' for horizontal lines and 'IndexAxis.Y' for vertical lines. |
label | String | - | The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips. |
normalized | boolean | - | If true , you provide data with indices that are unique, sorted, and consistent across data sets and provide the normalized. |
order | int | - | The drawing order of dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend. |
parsing | boolean | - | If false , the data set parsing is disable. If parsing is disabled, data must be sorted and in the formats the associated chart type and scales use internally. |
pointBackgroundColor | String[] - IsColor[] - Gradient[] | Yes | The fill color for points. |
pointBorderColor | String[] - IsColor[] - Gradient[] | Yes | The border color for points. |
pointBorderWidth | int[] | Yes | The width of the point border in pixels. |
pointHitRadius | double[] | Yes | The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events. |
pointHoverBackgroundColor | String[] - IsColor[] - Gradient[] | Yes | Point background color when hovered. |
pointHoverBorderColor | String[] - IsColor[] - Gradient[] | Yes | Point border color when hovered. |
pointHoverBorderWidth | int[] | Yes | Border width of point when hovered. |
pointHoverRadius | double[] | Yes | The radius of the point when hovered. |
pointRadius | double[] | Yes | The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, the point is not rendered. |
pointRotation | double[] | Yes | The rotation of the point in degrees. |
pointStyle | PointStyle[] - Img[] - Canvas[] | Yes | Style of the point. |
showLine | boolean | - | If false , the line is not drawn for this dataset. |
spanGaps | boolean - double | - | If true , lines will be drawn between points with no or null data. If false , points with NaN data will create a break in the line. Can also be a number specifying the maximum gap length to span. The unit of the value depends on the scale used. |
stepped | Stepped | - | If the line is shown as a stepped line. |
tension | double | - | Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straight lines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used. |
xAxisID | String | - | The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on. |
yAxisID | String | - | The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on. |
The general options for a stacked area dataset can control behaviors not related to styling or interactions and they are the following:
Name | Defaults | Description |
clip | Undefined.DOUBLE | How to clip relative to chart area. |
indexAxis | IndexAxis.X | The base axis of the dataset. |
label | null | The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips. |
normalized | false | If true , you provide data with indices that are unique, sorted, and consistent across data sets and provide the normalized. |
order | 0 | The drawing order of dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend. |
parsing | true | If false , the data set parsing is disable. If parsing is disabled, data must be sorted and in the formats the associated chart type and scales use internally. |
xAxisID | DefaultScaleId.X | The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on. |
yAxisID | DefaultScaleId.Y | The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on. |
Point styling
The style of each point of the dataset can be configured by the following properties:
Name | Description |
pointBackgroundColor | The fill color for points. |
pointBorderColor | The border color for points. |
pointBorderWidth | The width of the point border in pixels. |
pointHitRadius | The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events. |
pointRadius | The radius of the point shape. |
pointRotation | The rotation of the point in degrees. |
pointStyle | Style of the point. |
All above options have got the fallback to the associated Point elements, retrievable by the following statements:
// from chart instance
Point point = chart.getOptions().getElements().getPoint();
// sets options for all line datasets of the chart
// from defaults
Point defaultPoint = Defaults.get().getGlobal().getElements().getPoint();
// sets options for all line datasets of all charts
Line styling
The style of each line of the dataset can be configured by the following properties:
Name | Description |
backgroundColor | The fill color under the line. |
borderCapStyle | Cap style of the line. |
borderColor | The color of the line. |
borderDash | Length and spacing of dashes. |
borderDashOffset | Offset for line dashes. |
borderJoinStyle | Line joint style |
borderWidth | The width of the line in pixels. |
cubicInterpolationMode | Algorithm used to interpolate a smooth curve from the discrete data points. |
stepped | If the line is shown as a stepped line. |
tension | Bezier curve tension of the line. |
All above options have got the fallback to the associated Line elements, retrievable by the following statements:
// from chart instance
Line line = chart.getOptions().getElements().getLine();
// sets options for all line datasets of the chart
// from defaults
Line defaultLine = Defaults.get().getGlobal().getElements().getLine();
// sets options for all line datasets of all charts
Point interactions
The interaction with each point can be controlled with the following properties:
Name | Description |
pointHoverBackgroundColor | Point background color when hovered. |
pointHoverBorderColor | Point border color when hovered. |
pointHoverBorderWidth | Border width of point when hovered. |
pointHoverRadius | The radius of the point when hovered. |
All above options have got the fallback to the associated Point elements, retrievable by the following statements:
// from chart instance
Point point = chart.getOptions().getElements().getPoint();
// sets options for all line datasets of the chart
// from defaults
Point defaultPoint = Defaults.get().getGlobal().getElements().getPoint();
// sets options for all line datasets of all charts
Line interactions
The interaction with each line can be controlled with the following properties:
Name | Description |
hoverBackgroundColor | The fill color under the line, when hovered. |
hoverBorderCapStyle | Cap style of the line, when hovered. |
hoverBorderColor | The color of the line, when hovered. |
hoverBorderDash | Length and spacing of dashes, when hovered. |
hoverBorderDashOffset | Offset for line dashes, when hovered. |
hoverBorderJoinStyle | Line joint style, when hovered. |
hoverBorderWidth | The width of the line in pixels, when hovered. |
All above options have got the fallback to the associated Line elements, retrievable by the following statements:
// from chart instance
Line line = chart.getOptions().getElements().getLine();
// sets options for all line datasets of the chart
// from defaults
Line defaultLine = Defaults.get().getGlobal().getElements().getLine();
// sets options for all line datasets of all charts
Scriptable options at dataset level accept a callback which is called for each of the underlying data values. See more details in Configuring charts section.
// creates chart
StackedAreaChart chart = new StackedAreaChart();
// creates dataset
StackedAreaDataset dataset = chart.newDataset();
// sets the option by a callback
dataset.setBackgroundColor(new ColorCallback<DatasetContext>(){
public IsColor invoke(DatasetContext context){
// logic
return color;
The following options can be set by a callback:
Name | Callback | Returned types |
backgroundColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Pattern - Gradient |
borderCapStyle | CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> | CapStyle |
borderColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
borderDash | BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> | List<Integer> |
borderDashOffset | BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> | double |
borderJoinStyle | JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> | JoinStyle |
borderWidth | WidthCallback<DatasetContext> | int |
cubicInterpolationMode | CubicInterpolationModeCallback | CubicInterpolationMode |
hoverBackgroundColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Pattern - Gradient |
hoverBorderCapStyle | CapStyleCallback<DatasetContext> | CapStyle |
hoverBorderColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
hoverBorderDash | BorderDashCallback<DatasetContext> | List<Integer> |
hoverBorderDashOffset | BorderDashOffsetCallback<DatasetContext> | int |
hoverBorderJoinStyle | JoinStyleCallback<DatasetContext> | JoinStyle |
hoverBorderWidth | WidthCallback<DatasetContext> | int |
pointBackgroundColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
pointBorderColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
pointBorderWidth | WidthCallback<DatasetContext> | int |
pointHitRadius | RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> | double |
pointHoverBackgroundColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
pointHoverBorderColor | ColorCallback<DatasetContext> | String - IsColor - Gradient |
pointHoverBorderWidth | WidthCallback<DatasetContext> | int |
pointHoverRadius | RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> | double |
pointRadius | RadiusCallback<DatasetContext> | double |
pointRotation | RotationCallback<DatasetContext> | double |
pointStyle | PointStyleCallback<DatasetContext> | boolean - PointStyle - Img - Canvas |
Data structure
The data of a dataset for a stacked area chart are passed by an array or list of doubles and the x axis is generally a category. When a stacked area chart is created with a category axis, the labels property of the data object must be specified.
// sets data as an array of doubles
// sets data as a list of double
List<Double> list = new LinkedList<>();
The stacked area chart specific options implementation to be configured. These options are merged with the global chart configuration options to form the options passed to the chart.
// creates chart
StackedAreaChart chart = new StackedAreaChart();
// gets the chart options
StackedLineOptions options = chart.getOptions();
// sets option